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Banana milkeu authornim here.

Sorry that this is not an update for the story but can you all please tell me what you guys like and don't like about the story so that I can improve my writing for the story.  And also tell me your opinion on my story


And thanks for reading and voting for my story.  It was really unexpected.  Cuz I usually write my stories on the spot cuz idk how to plan my stories well 😅

And I will update another chapter soon.  Maybe today or tomorrow :D


Special thanks to my fellow buddy,  ahgase and stay/babygurl 😂 YoungjaesMiracle 
Pls support her story My Giant Baby <3

See ya peaches ltr ~ 🍑🍑

(Honestly idk what I just wrote)

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now