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"We're here! "

Hyejin opened her eyes as she saw the beautiful scenary in front of her.

Minho: welcome to busan beach!
Jeongin: isn't it beautiful? 
Hyejin: it definitely is!

Hyejin smiled as she took out her phone to take a picture.


Hwang_hyejin at busan beach with @cb97  @leeminhoe @seochangbin @aussieboii @ myday

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Hwang_hyejin at busan beach with @cb97  @leeminhoe @seochangbin @aussieboii @ myday. Seungmin @hanjisung @dolphi.n


CB97: glad you liked the place

Leeminhoe: I'm should plan outings more often

DolphI. N: I'm finally home~

Hwang_hyunjin: I'm at busan beach too

Hyejin: jeongin....
Jeongin: yes?
Hyejin: hyunjin is here too..
Minho: what?
Hyejin: yea... He commented on my recent post
Minho: really?

Minho took out his phone as he scrolled through the comments to find hyunjin's comment.

Minho: dang... He really is here.  He updated his Instagram story too
Hyejin: he did???
Minho: yea

Hyejin looked at her phone.


At the busan beach for a tour with @nancy00

Hyejin: should I be happy or sad that I always end up finding my brother....
Jisung: happy?
Hyejin: maybe... But Nancy.... It will be my nightmare but at least yumi isn't here....
Seungmin: well... You're wrong...
Hyejin: huh?

Seungmin pointed at a direction.  There she was,  the devil spawn,  Jung Yumi.

Hyejin: I wanna go home...
Minho: no,  we're here to have fun.  We will stick by you.
Seungmin: not with that devil here.... Look,  she's even waving at us...
Hyejin: oh no....

"Hey oppas! "


Seungmin: hi.  What do you want

He said,  with a cold face

Yumi: don't be so mean oppa....
Seungmin: we are NOT your oppa,  you are like older than us...
Yumi: don't be so mean...

She pouted trying to act cute.

Minho pretended to puke.

Yumi: hey!  Why don't you do that when you are around her?
Minho: cuz clearly your attitude is ugly
Yumi: ugh!  You ruin everything hwang hyejin!  I hate you!
Hyejin: hate all you want I don't care,  I'll just go to sleep.
Yumi: UGH!

Yumi stormed away.

Hyunjin: hey guys.

"Great... " Hyejin muttered to herself.  She was about to walk away but Hyunjin stopped her.

Hyunjin: hyejin ah,  I'm sorry...
Hyejin: oppa,  you just ditched your younger sister.  I thought you said we will stick together through thick and thin.  You just abandoned me for your girlfriend!
Hyunjin: come on...
Hyejin:.... Fine... As long as I'm with the boys I'll be happy....
Hyunjin: you forgive me?
Hyejin: sure....

Hyunjin jumped and hugged hyejin.  Although she was still mad,  hyejin was happy that she felt her brother's warm hug again.

Hyunjin: I love you

Hyunjin oecked her on her cheek.

"Ehem! " Nancy got hyunjin's attention.  "Sorry babe" He kissed her as an apology. 

Hyunjin: so why are you guys here?
Chan: we should be asking you the same
Hyunjin: well,  I bought tickets for a busan tour and we decided to come here before the tour.

Hyejin eyes widened.  She pulled hyunjin next to her and whispered.  "You bought tickets!? " She whisper shouted. "Don't worry,  it was surprisingly cheap" The older reassured.  "It was only 5,000 won"
"Fine... Don't buy too much expensive things,  you know we can't afford those stuff" "Okay,  okay" The older replied. 

Minho: is everything alright?
Hyejin: yea,  just some sibling business you know....
Minho: oh... Ok.
Chan: ok,  so who's hungry?
Jisung: me!
Felix: me too! 
Chan: ok then,  let's eat!

Chan took out the picnic basket and took out the sandwiches.  "Eat up! "

Everyone including Nancy and hyunjin ate the sandwiches that Chan made. Everyone praised Chan for his food skills.

After eating,  they all chatted for a while and caught up from the days before.

Jisung: hey guys,  wanna go swimming?
Changbin: sure,  why not
Jisung: let's go! 
Hyejin: I'll stay here,  I don't feel like swimming yet...
Jeongin: you sure?
Hyejin: yea,  very sure. 

Jeongin pulled hyejin close to him and whispered.  " Call me if something happens " "Ok"

Everyone all went into the ocean and swam together,  including hyunjin and Nancy.

Hyejin stayed under the shade of the umbrella and began daydreaming for new story ideas. She typed notes into her phone for her next story.  The sound of waves helped with the process.  She was enjoying as the sea breeze blew at her hair making her look like a hair model.

She was writing until she heard a voice.

" Hey bitch "

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now