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Jeongin and hyejin left the cafe together.  Hyejin was still confused about what she saw.  'Is yumi hurt?  Ugh why am I caring about her,  she hurt me more' hyejin puted at her on thought and clung onto jeongin's arm.
"What's wrong? " He asked,  eyes filled with concern.  "I'm questioning my existence,  I'm thinking about yumi" She sighed.  "It's ok,  let's just ignore her for a while.... "

Jeongin and hyejin walked back to the apartment. 

"Wow,  you guys are back early" Hyunjin said as he opened the door revealing hyejin and jeongin on the other side.  "I think hanging out here is nicer" Hyejin said as she plopped onto the bed.  After all that had happened in the past few weeks,  she didn't want to tell hyunjin what she saw,  fearing it might hurt him. 

Jeongin and hyejin continued their date in the apartment,  chatting together while hyunjin was still cleaning the apartment. 

Around 6pm,  jeongin and hyejin said their goodbyes as jeongin left to go back home.

Hyunjin: so did you enjoy your date?
Hyejin: eh,  it was nice i guess.
Hyunjin: ah ok,  as long as you are happy with it.
Hyejin: what's for dinner?
Hyunjin: let's go to the convenience store and eat ramyeon.
Hyejin: oOo sure

Hyunjin took a quick bath and put on some clothes. 

Hyunjin: hyejin ah,  remember to wear a jacket.  It's freezing outside
Hyejin: ok!

Hyejin and hyunjin put on their jackets and went out.  They locked their door and walked to the convenience store. 

It was dark. Streets lights were shining.  There were lesser people on the road than usual.  Hyejin clung onto hyunjin for warmth. 

Hyunjin: you know... I do miss this a lot.  I miss all the things we used to do together.  Ugh I still feel like a fool...
Hyejin: it's ok.  But one thing,  this is your last chance..
Hyunjin: ok... I will make sure that I will listen to you when you tell me someone isn't right for me. 
Hyejin: good. 

They reached the convenience store.  The went inside and began picking the choice of ramyeon that they wanted to eat.  They also grabbed some snacks like sausages. 

They sat down at a table by the window and began preparing their ramyeon.  They added some cheese and some sausages

  They added some cheese and some sausages

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Hyejin: mmm looks good.
Hyunjin: yea,  I learnt this recipe from one idol.... The name is..... Uhh... Ah,  got7.  A member named mark.
Hyejin: wow.

Hyejin and hyunjin began feasting,  enjoying every single bite and creating a new memory for each other. 

They were done with their meal.

Hyejin: I feel stuffed.  This was delicious
Hyunjin: yea,  want a drink?
Hyejin: sure!
Hyunjin: hmm.. Banana milk?
Hyejin: you read my mind.

Hyunjin smiled.

Hyunjin: I'll be right back.

Hyunjin got out of his chair and walked over to the drink aisle.  He took some banana milk for him and hyejin. 

He went to the counter to pay for the drink

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He went to the counter to pay for the drink.  He felt glad the everything in the store was cheap so that they could  buy a lot of things here without using too much money.

??? : which one do you want?
??? : ah,  anything is fine magic
??? : why are you so cute?
??? : *aegyo voice* I'm not cute.

The voices were familiar.  Hyunjin turned around and saw Nancy and her boyfriend.

Hyunjin's heart sank.  Memories came back as well as guilt and heart aches.  He knew she wasn't the right one for him,  breaking his relationship with his sister and breaking his heart but somehow,  seeing her made him feel sad.

Hyunjin sighed.  He went back to the table where hyejin sat. 

Hyunjin: here's your milk
Hyejin: thanks hyunjin.

Hyunjin took the straw and poked it into his drink.

Hyejin: hyunjin.... Are you sad?
Hyunjin: huh?  No
Hyejin: oh ok...

Hyejin observed her brother.  He is lying. She looked around the store.  There in the distance,  she saw her.  She frowned. 

Unfortunately,  the couple walked over and sat down on the table behind her.  That made hyunjin able to see everything they were doing. 

Hyejin sighed. 

"Let's go. " She said to the older. 

He didn't move. 

Hyejin saw hyunjin squeeze his bottle a little. 

Hyejin put her hand on hyunjin's and pulled him out of the store.

Hyejin: hyunjin... Are you really ok?
Hyunjin: yes.... No.... I don't know....
Hyejin: she isn't good.  She hurt us.  She three us apart.
Hyunjin: I know... But seeing her.... Ugh I feel sadness inside.  Maybe it's because she  was the first person I ever liked... My heart doesn't fall for someone easily...
Hyejin: I know.... But you need to forget about it. 

"All she did was play with your feelings. "

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now