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He walked out the room.

Hyunjin walked around the hospital until he found the exit.  His head hurt. 

"That accident sure damaged me,  I hope I'll wake up" He muttered to himself. 

The air around him felt cold. 

He exited the hospital.  It was already night time.  Streets were filled with lights,  the night markets were open.  He walked around.  He just walked,  not knowing where his destination was. 

He knew he was nothing but a wandering soul,  out from its body. 

He sighed again.

He walked to the same street where he was hit by the car.  There were workers there.

"Probably cleaning up the mess" He thought.

It began raining.

Somehow,  he remained dry.

People began taking out their umbrellas,  covering themselves from the rain and the cold air. 

Hyunjin knew where his next destination was.  It was the apartment.

However,  he didn't feel like going there.  It was the place filled with memories.  But he went there anyway.  He walked until he reached the building.  He took a deep breath,  and walked into the building. 

The apartment was bright.  He walked down the stairs leading to the basement apartment.  He put his hand on the door knob.  His hand disappeared into the door. 

"Oh I forgot,  I'm nothing but a soul,  I can't touch anything"

He walked past the door. 

The apartment was dim.  The were several beds on the floor.  The beds were messy,  blankets crumpled on the soft fabric of the bed.  There it was,  the little table.  The table was filled with bowls and half eaten bibimbap. 

"They were probably eating before they found out about my accident"

He sat down. 

"Channie hyung cooked this meal.  Smells good"

He looked over to the little drawer.  Memories flooded back from the early day of living in the apartment. 

"Eomma,  where did you get this drawer?  It's so pretty! "

"Well,  I built that drawer a long time ago.  I managed to find some wood and I got creative"

" Wahhh,  eomma is amazing! "

"Haha,  so are you hyunjinie"

Hyunjin stared ta the drawer. 

"There is a box underneath the drawer isn't it"

He laid on the ground and looked underneath the drawer. 

There it was,  the little box. 

Hyunjin remembered how hyejin always took out the box on their mom's death anniversary.  It brought her comfort.  It brought him comfort. 

Hyunjin sighed.  He knew he couldn't touch the box.  He couldn't touch anything. 

"I see your back jinnie"

A voice came out of nowhere. 

Hyunjin jumped a little and looked around the room. 

There in the corner,  was his mother.

"E-eomma?? " He stuttered

"Yes,  I see your back and in the same realm I'm in. " His mother replied

"How l-long hvae you been here? "

"Well,  I never left.  I couldn't bare seeing my children grieve over me.  Although I'm not your biological mother,  I feel proud to have raised you two"

Hyunjin felt deep sadness in his heart.  He walked over to the corner of the room where his mother was standing.

He kneeled down.

"Eomma..... Im sorry.  I'm so sorry! "
He said,  hands together bowing down many times to her. 

"Stand up hyunjin"

Hyunjin wiped his tears as he stood up,  face to face with his dead mother. 

" I know you broke your promise,  but that doesn't mean you can't make it right again"

"How can I do that??  I broke hyejin's promise so many times,  she won't forgive me! "

"That's only what you think,  I know hyejin still loves you"

"Eomma,  why are you still so nice to me.... I wasn't a good brother for this past few weeks.  I have hurt hyejin mentally.... "

"Hyunjin,  did you forget another promise both of you made to  me before I passed? "

Hyunjin looked up to face his mother. 

"H-huh? "

"You two promised me that even if you hurt each other,  you two will make up for it.  Both of you helped each other since birth.  You took care of her after your biological mother left you. Did you forget? "

"E-eomma.... "

"Remember this promise.  This is more important than other promises you two made.  "

"I will eomma... "

"Remember. Blood is thicker than water.  Now go back to the hospital hyunjin,  your time isn't up yet"

"Then what will happen to you eomma? "

"Me?  Well,  I'll still be here,  watching over all of you.  Not just you and hyejin,  but the other 8 boys as well.  Especially that boy named jeongin.  He took good care of your sister"

"Ah,  jeongin.  He was better than me"

His mother giggled.

"Then prove to her that you can be just as good as jeongin. Now go hyunjin,  your time isn't up yet.  You have a long way to go"

"Ok.... "

Hyunjin looked at his mother one last time before he left.  She smiled brightly at him.  Hyunjin hugged his mother one last time.

"This is my final chance to see you.  I wish hyejin could see you,  she would've been so happy"

"Well my child,  you can tell her the stories of what happened just now"

"She won't believe me... "

"Then I will visit you in your dreams"
She giggled again.

Hyunjin smiled. 

"I hope to see you again eomma.  I love you"

"I love you too hyunjin,  take good care of your sister.  And remember.  Blood is thicker than water"

Hyunjin looked at his mother one last time.  They smiled at each other. 

With that,  he left. And his mother, vanished.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now