Chapter 44 ( Will find 'You' )

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Daniel POV
( Unedited )

Times flies so fast . So fast that I doesn't realize that, Seongwoo gonna break up with me . I felt like this world stopped, the times goes slow and he froze in my spot which means in my car .

I just stared at the screen phones and read the content repeatedly that Seongwoo send it to me .

" Kang Daniel, lets break up ."

The last words that keep repeating in my minds . The words that i most afraid of . The words that will make me falls onto my knees and cried . The he words that I don't wanna ever wants, its coming to me . Seongwoo will leaves me, Seongwoo will away from me ... Seongwoo not loves me anymore ...

I tried to send him more messages, but its not useful. Cause Seongwoo already blocked me . I tried to call him too, its goes same way . I can't reach him, its seems like he was out of range .

But what did he mean about leaves me anytime soon ? If he gonna leaves this place ? And that's the anwer why I can't reach to his network? So it's true that he will break up with me and leaves me after that ?

"This will not gonna happen ."

'But he leaves you soon'

"He can't go away from me ."

'But he's not loves you anymore, he hates you'

" No, no, no .. he loves me so much ."

'He will disappear from your life'

These fucking voices keep repeating in my minds, and I can't think properly right now . What should i do ? What should i do now .

" Fuckk !" I curse and gripping steering wheel tight . I lean my head on it and take a deep breath and close my eyes . Doesn't realize that the traffic light is green till a car at behind honking at me.

I quickly looked up and started to drive . But my mind still thinking were should Seongwoo goes, and wonder why does he need to do all this and runaway from me . It's not like all these happen because of I'm cheat on him . I swear that I didn't remember a things, but the important things that i know right now . It's all Jihoon fault . I think he already planned all these . But why he do this ? I not even know him .

But i need to finds Seongwoo first .

Maybe i should ask her mom .

Lucky that I have her number and its easy for me . I thought. So i stopped the car on the side of the road and pulls the handbreak . Grab my phone back and search for 'Song HyeKyo' .


" Hello ?"

She's answered .

" Hello ermm Miss HyeKyo . I'm Kang Daniel, Seongwoo ... friends ." I said

" Ouh .. Daniel . Yes i know you . Why are you callin me ?"

She doesn't know ? Or just pretend.

" Actually i want to ask you ... ermm about Seongwoo ? Do you know where he's goes ?"

" He goes to China and looking for you Daniel .. He said that he wants to meet you because he missed you so much and begged me to go there . And you ask me where is he ?"

I heard that her voice raised a little . And i just tried to calm myself . Because it's break my heart when heard that .

" I'm sorry Miss, i really doesn't know he will come here and looked for me . And i swear i really don't know where is he right now ... cause something happen and he's runaway from me .."

" Daniel ... i know all things that happen .. and i know that Seongwoo just overacted . But everyone will do the same things he do to you . Seeing someone he loves naked and make out with someone else that he doesn't even know . But i hope that .. you're not like 'that' . I know that you're not do such things ."

" Yes miss .. i will not doing such a thing like that .. Seongwoo just misunderstanding, he saw everthing thats not true .. I've been trapped by someone .. trust me ."

" Okay Daniel i will trust you, but i hope ... you guys can make up soon."

" Do you perhaps know where is Seongwoo was right now ?" I ask her and looked outside the window when saw something that attracted me . But I shrugged it off.

" He's going to Malaysia Daniel .. with his dad . I don't know why he choose to stay with his dad, cause his dad was busy with his work all of time and don't have any chance to talk to him since he was little . But i hope everything will just fine ."

" I see, thank you very much Miss HyeKyo ." I said and heard she chuckle softly.

" Just call me HyeKyo okay ."

" Okay .. thanks again . I hope i will find him soon and take him back to korea with me ."

" Please do that Daniel, i really happy when you both together. And please take a good care of him . I pass him to you okay ."

" Okay .. i will end the call . Talk to you later ." I said and wait for her to said anything else . And ended the call . I shove the phone back into my pocket and looked at front of my car.

I sigh heavily.

" Let's go to Malaysia then ?" I said and drove away .

Daniel doesn't realize that someone was following him from behind . Probably Park Jihoon .


𝓣𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓑𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 >> 𝗢𝗻𝗴𝗡𝗶𝗲𝗹 ✔Where stories live. Discover now