Chapter 50 ( Explaination ) 🔞

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A/N : Well first Hi Im back ! Sorry for the late update, my phone broken again for ffs hundreds time already. And second, I'll try to update every day till the end of this book ^^ ! Thanks for your support and patient with me >< .

Seongwoo POV

( Will be some smut plot, don't read if you hate it :> )

( Unedited )

I slowly open my eyes as I felt my body aching so much . I hissed a little and looked around the unknown place . And then i just realized that my hands was tied up and my mouth covered by a blanket. And i was laying on a fucking bed .

' What the fuck is this place ? I can't remember anything and why am i even here .' I mumbled to myself and looked around again . Tried to remember anything before i get here .


" How ? How can you find me ? Why are you following me ?" I said with my stern voice and glared at him .

" Me ? Following you ?" He said and laugh softly . And then he turn his head and looked at me at behind .

" It's not just that ." He said and smirked.

I just want to punch that face and runaway. But i know its impossible. So I just listened what he said .

" If i still can't get my happiness, you will feels the same what i feel 10 years ago Seongwoo ."

I raised my eyes brows, what the fuck he was talking about ? 10 years ago i was at the high school and i not even know him .

" What are you talking about . I don't understand." I ask .

" Tsk, i know you're dumb but please save it for your stupid boyfriend. I don't have time to explain it to you ." He answer and looked away .

" Sungwoon Let's go before he finds us ." Jihoon said to Sungwoon who was already sit on the driver seats .

" Yes boss .." he said with slow tone and start driving . Heading to nowhere i know .

" Sungwoon ? How could've you do this to me ." I said and pouted.

" I'm sorry Seongwoo .. its my boss command . I need to follow what he said .." Sungwoom answer and just focus on the road . But i know, he was sorry cause doing that . He was a kind of soft heart . He will never do these things to me on purpose.

" Never mind ... but still your boss is a bitch who just can't seeing's someone happy for once . What did i do wrong and deserve these kind of things." I said and hugged my body and stare at Jihoon .

I know he was glared at me at the center mirror .

" Can you shut the fuck up for fucking minutes ?!" Jihoon suddenly shout and turn to looked at me .

I brave my self and answer back .

" What the fuck should i shut the fuck up when you kidnaped me ?! I'm the one who should shout at you and beat your ass !"

He still looked at me with anger and clenched his fist .

" Stop the fucking car ." He said and Sungwoon just nodded. I gulped a little but still dare to look at Jihoon .

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