A new world

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Despite having spoken her first words much later than usual, Violet quickly compensated for the loss of time. She was incredibly curious and the desire to explore the environment and learn was so strong that it often led to reckless moves. Violet was about to step in an entirely new world and had to be well prepared. For it would be one of her greatest challenges. No one should underestimate the difficulties a youngling has to pass during the first steps. Though it might be seen as a task hard for accomplishment or even as a waste of time by some, paying attention to the child in this period is of great relevance for the further personal development. Sometimes, parents find it annoying to explain every single detail and actual bond between facts to the youngling. The more useful advises are received from adults, the less likely it is for the child to face serious obstacles. Yet, it would be wise to know that challenging odds could occur at any time, under any circumstances and no matter the efforts you throw to minimize them. Also, sometimes it is better to give the kid the opportunity to try something alone, even if you know the risk of failure is great.

Violet's curiosity often led her to consequences, and very often they were not the best of their kind. Once, the Wilde family went out for a walk in the park. It had rained a lot, the ground was slippery and muddy, there were a lot of puddles everywhere. Judy held her hand as they walked. Suddenly, Violet snatched herself from her mother and started running. She ignored Judy's warning and accelerated. Violet wanted to know if she could learn how to fly. Well, It definitely worked, since she flew right into a puddle. Moreover, Violet received additional bonuses: she took a nice bath, washed up her clothes (the puddle was a bit muddy, but hey, who cares!), toughened her physics and entertained the strangers. A loving parent would hardly bear, let alone agree with the last. After all, serious injuries could occur as a result of a fall on the ground. Fortunately, no trouble happened to Violet this time. But she certainly learnt her lesson – never start training session recklessly when the environment present is not favorable.

Another famous achievement of Violet's was when she went to watch a baseball tournament along with her father. Nick did not expect such actions on her behalf. Accidentally, Violet saw someone running around and decided to follow his example, not bearing in mind this „someone" was actually one of the players who was training. She ran too near to a pitcher. Since Violet was small and roundish, he mistook her for a ball and threw her away. If there was something Violet should be satisfied of, it was that this day she learnt some flying lessons - how to take off and quickly gain altitude. As for the landing, it was a bit extraordinary. Since Violet was a newbie at flying, she was provided an alive safety zone. Well, she caused quite a disturbance on the stadium, since she freaked everyone and made them run chaotically in an attempt to catch her. In the end, she was branded the „Living Golden Ball" award. No doubt, Violet would remember this exciting day as well.

Whatever? Most important of all is happiness! ^^

Still, what awaited Violet ahead was far more challenging. She was about to start going to kindergarten. The young girl wondered what was this new place. Curiosity had reached its peak here. Violet started her preparations long before the first day. She constantly asked questions of what she would be expected to do and not to do, which was right and which – wrong. Violet even trained for the upcoming day, trying to stay calm, not to run around, to be kind, well – mannered, good. Nick and Judy observed this behavior and tried to comfort their daughter. They understood the fact that Violet felt uneasy. Finally, the long – waited day came.

Judy woke up early, but despite this, Violet had already got up long ago.

„Vi, it is time to..." Judy spoke as she entered the bedroom. „Oh! You're already up! Everything okay, Dear?" she asked Violet, who could not stay still out of impatience.

„Everything's fine, Mommy, but we must hurry!" Violet insisted „We're late!"

„Don't worry, Vi, we'll be there on time" Judy calmed her down. „I did not think you'd be up so early."

„Mom" Violet started. „What am I supposed to do when we arrive? Where will you go?" she asked as her mother helped her with the dressing.

„Don't worry, Dear, all you have to do is to listen and be good. As you have always been." Judy smiled. But she felt uneasy. How was she supposed to tell her daughter that they were actually going to leave her there for the day?

„So, you won't be with me after we arrive?" Violet behaved as if she had read her mother's thoughts. Still, she was more curious rather than worried.

„Dear... we'll come and pick you up afterwards, do not worry..." Judy spoke, as she felt her daughter was suspicious and could grow worried.

„You're not leaving me there forever, right, Mommy?" Violet asked with her usual childish gaze. Such a sight made Judy kneel at her daughter and hug her passionately.

„Dear, how could you even think of it?" Judy spoke. „We'll come and pick you up afterwards. In the meantime, you could do a lot. Make new friends, play with them, explore and discover many interesting stuff. Just promise me you'll be good and kind. Please, Vi!"

„I promise, Mom! I'll have so much fun!" Violet cheered. Judy sighed and hugged her again. Unlike Violet, she was pretty worried. And not only the fact that her daughter would be left alone at an unknown to her place bothered Judy... there was something else she was scared of...

When they arrived at the kindergarten, an entire crowd of kids have already gathered there. Violet looked cheerfully at them.

„Mom, look! So many friends!" she exclaimed.

„Yes, Dear!" Judy answered as they came out of the car. „Now, I want you to promise me once more that you'll be good and kind, Vi!" she added.

„I promise, Mom!" Violet spoke, as she watched her mother in the eyes.

„Hello!" One of the facilitators approached them. „Oh, what a surprise! Officer Hopps, nice to meet you here!" she turned at Judy and smiled.

„Good morning!" Judy spoke and Violet repeated: „Good morning, Madam!"

„Oh, what a wonderful young lady!" the facilitator exclaimed. „You can call me Angie, Dear. I guess you're ready for an adventure?" she turned at Violet with a wide smile on her face.

„Uuuum...." Violet felt uneasy and it was explicable. „Don't worry, Vi, you can go and play with the other kids." Violet comforted her.

„Can I, Mom?" Violet asked.

„But of course!" Judy said, as she hugged her for a goodbye.

„But where are you going?" Violet asked.

„I'm going to another place, Dear. One, which is designated for adults." She explained.

„Okay, Mom. But promise me you'll be nice and kind!" Violet said in turn.

„But of course! I promise!" Judy spoke in a strict manner. „Ok, Vi, in that backpack, you have everything you need. Your clothes are in there, some food, as well as...." Judy could not finish.

„It is time" The facilitator by the name of Angie spoke. Violet gave a quick hug to her mother, after which she picked her backpack and ran quickly to the other children. Judy remained still for a moment, watching as the crowd of kids entered the building. Finally, the facilitators went in as well and closed the doors. Judy could barely breath. She felt someting suffocated her. She managed to get in the car, after which she burst into tears.

Was it out of sadness? Happiness? Fear? Maybe them all? Judy didn't know. She felt proud of her daughter. Violet was growing up and was quickly adapting to the new environment. Judy had no doubt her daughter would make it.

And yet.... 

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