Law and Justice

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Dear Readers! Earlier I said I would not be messing Law around, but it seems such "mess" is inevitable. Police and Law are bonded tight. There's no way Law could be bypassed. And so... 

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The Wilde family did not live far away from the Regional Court. In fact, it was nearby, just 10 minutes walking towards the outside alley of the park. That same park.... As Judy bypassed one of the entrances, she remembered... the infelicitous Friday night, in which she and Violet were nearly killed by the Agency's assassins. Judy shuddered at the thought of it and hurried ahead. At some point, the path was familiar to her, since it often used to be her regular when she went at work. Soon, Judy was in front of the Court.

"Ok.... Now... I guess there's some kind of check – control... " she whispered as she took out her personal identity card.

"Good morning, Ma'am! Please, put your luggage here, so we can scan it!" one of the police officers at the entrance directed.

Not long afterwards, Judy was inside the building. Now, she looked around with curiosity. Judy had never visited the Regional Court of Justice before. Since it was her first time, she explored the surrounding environment with interest.

Judy headed for one of the corridors and constantly looked around. The walls, the columns, the doors, everything was sculpted into bizarre shapes. Glass panels were colorful and decorated with the figure of Themis – Goddess of Justice. In one of her hands she held balances, while in the other – a sword. Her eyes were tied... Judy had forgotten of the symbolic meaning of these elements... But now, it enlightened her...

The balances symbolized equality. Before the Law, everyone is equal. Her blindfold was the symbol of a judicial body's impartiality towards the parties. The sword symbolized the enforceability of Law towards the legal subjects. Judy gasped as she remembered her school knowledge... Now, there she was, in the Chamber of Justice... The environment itself was grandiose. You could no longer hide the truth here... It is your duty... a presumption that you have sworn an oath to tell the truth was active here... Also,

Ignorantia legis neminem excusat.

You could not find an excuse for not being aware of Law's prescriptions. Judy winked as such thoughts passed through her mind. She would tell them everything, everything! Judy looked at her watch and gasped. It was 12:30 already and she had not found the Criminal Division yet! Judy started wandering through the corridors. "Civil Department" she read on a sign, put on one of the doors. General Registry, Data Repository, General cases' Archive, Bar Room, Chief Legal expert's Room, Archive Rooms of the different judicial panels, Registry Enforcement Cases...

In a few minutes, Judy spotted the Matrimonial Department. She rushed through it and in the end, found herself into another antechamber. There were stairs on her left, and right at her, the corridor of the Commerce Department started. But Judy spotted no Criminal Division at all... Again, she walked around, but, eventually, ended in the Civil Department. Judy sighed. Then, she carefully knocked on one of the rooms, the sign of which was indicating "21 / 23 judicial panels' Archive Room."

The Wilde family { EDITING TIME! }Where stories live. Discover now