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A light flashed, making Violet to close her eyes quickly. She could not bear the power of the lamp above her head. What had happened? Where was she? Violet could not figure it out yet. What was more, she barely remembered anything from the last events. Whatever had happened, she felt completely exhausted.

Several minutes passed, before she could open her eyes again, only to see she was in some kind of a chamber. Violet winked against the thick glass panel, which was in front of her. Why was the view outside so blurry? Because of the glass? Or it was due to the dizziness, which struck her in waves? Violet could not find the answers to any of the questions yet. But the fact she could see and hear ( even partially ) was a clear sign she lived. But why did she feel so... strange? Violet shuddered constantly and felt worse with every single passing second. What was going on!?

She made an attempt to shout, but no luck – as if something suffocated her and did not allow her to even open her mouth. Violet felt helpless within her own self. She stared fixedly and aghast at the glass panel in the front, awaiting her destiny...

And it came. Soon, Violet realized. She could not control the movements of her own body. The feeling was something like being imprisoned in a small and narrowed cell and trying to escape, but at the same time a mysterious power, fluctuating from the center of the cell, drags you inside again and again, and with every next attempt to run away the power became stronger and pulled you back to its domain.

The next thing Violet realized was that her body was stuck, yet she could not figure out what was it attached to. Chains, maybe? Ropes? Definitely a mechanism of that kind. Designated to hold her steady. Yet, Vi could not see it, since she barely moved her eyes as well.

But gradually, as time went by, Violet slowly started to move her head and arms. This was the moment of immense happiness. When you realize you can finally move, you feel how the huge energy waves flow in and through you and make you to want moving even more. As the senses gradually appeared and intensified, Violet already knew she had to continue exercising her movements, as she felt how her blood got hotter and spilled through her veins and arteries. Moreover, her senses sharpened, and now, she could hear a loud, rhythmical beeping from the outside of the chamber place she was in.

But Vi paid no attention to the beeping, she just wanted to move more. Soon, she felt her abdomen, and after a few moments, her lower limbs started moving. Now, she could turn her head and see she was tied in and stuck steady. But these were neither chains, nor ropes. It was some kind of technology, which was highly advanced, since it allowed her to move herself just up to a point.

Violet was stuck inside an electromagnetic field, which isolated her from the outside. The energy that kept her steady did not cause discomfort though. And it appeared these were not the only functions and capabilities of the technology.

"Violet Wilde!" A voice suddenly echoed. Violet sharpened her ears.

"Violet Wilde!" the voice sounded pretty dryly and mechanically. "Violet Wilde, do you recognize my voice?"

Violet was curious and frightened at the same time. The first moment she was unable to respond.

"Violet Wilde" the voice continued. "Can you understand my question?"

This time, Violet shuddered and lifted her head. Once again, she made an attempt to speak and this time...

"Who are you?" Violet spoke. It sounded like the voice of the person, who had just overcome tonsillitis or some other terrible disease. Despite this, Vi was pleased to find out her speech apparatus was not lost.

"Who are you?" she repeated, now with a cleaner tone.

"I'm Clara!" the voice from the other side responded the same way. Despite Violet's fear, the last made her giggle. Whoever was talking to her, his / her voice was quite funny.

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