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Dear readers, life is dynamics! And here I say: Chaaaaaaaaarge! * Heheh * Knew it would have be better if I hadn't drunk three coffees in a row. But hey, no problem! The story continues!

Hit the star and reach the stars, dear readers!  

Yours sincerely: the author

It was night time when Judy awoke again. She stared at the darkness that engulfed the hospital room. What was going on? Judy could not figure out. But now, it felt a bit... different. Judy had started recovering. In the next few moments, an electric wave struck her, as dozens of memories, feelings, emotions, experience, flew into her mind. Judy shuddered and got up.

"What was going on? Where was she? What was this place?" she wondered as she wandered. Suddenly, Judy spotted something on the hanger. A jacket? She came closer to it and examined carefully. Yes, it was a jacket. Her jacket, actually...

Intrigued, Judy took it. She groped the pockets, and in the internal one there was a shining object. A bracelet? A badge? Whatever it was, it looked interesting to Judy. She turned on the lights and shuddered when she saw she was actually not alone. On the bed, right next to her's, slept... Gosh! Judy lost her breath.

There was a predator in her room! And... the littlun sleeping in his arms.... His cub, maybe? Whoever they were, Judy was scared. She quickly left the room and went into the hallway. There, lamps shined on constantly, even during night time. Now, Judy had a perfect chance to study the object she had found in peace.

It was a black – blue – yellow badge, shining attractively against the light. In the center of it, with large letters, stood the abbreviation "ZPD". Judy turned the object over and a paper fell off from it. Surprised, she picked it up. Though the amnesia had struck her hard, Judy had still not lost her school knowledge.

"Judy Hopps, ZPD Lt. Officer". Right next to the name, a small picture was present. Judy stared at it.

Wow! The rabbit was beautiful! Who was she?

Judy lifted her head. Right ahead, a mirror was placed. She stared at the reflection for a moment. Another flash of light, an electric wave struck her again. Judy winked, screamed, dropped the badge and fell with a crash on the floor. One of the doors on the other side of the corridor opened and two medics hurried at Judy.

"Madam, what happened? Is everything okay?"

But Judy didn't respond. She buried her face with her hands.

"Madam? Madam!" the medic repeated. "What happened?" she helped Judy get up.

Obviously, Judy was in shock of the memories' strikes. The medic stared at her face and guessed.

"Can you tell me your name, Ma'am?"

"I'm Judy... Judy Wilde" Judy answered at last. "Who are you? What am I doing here?"

Now, the medic grinned at her. "I see your memories have started returning! I'm doctor Hanson! Nice to meet you!"

"What does it mean? Which memories? Where have they gone?" Judy was confused.

"Madam, you are in a state called "amnesia" – A loss of memories. I see now that your recovery has begun. And it's definitely good news!" the medic smirked. "Do you remember anything else?"

"I remember..." Judy gradually realized why she was confused. "I think... it's possible... but I don't remember any further details"

"In time, we shall see if your memories refresh" doctor Hanson admitted. "I feel obliged to inform you that visitation starts within a few hours. You could rest till then, it's still deep night." She suggested.

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