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Judy and Violet quickly left Henry's house. It was still dark, but not as much as before. The sky was dark blue, but had gradually started becoming brighter. The two ran through the streets and ended up in the city center.

"Mommy?" Violet asked "What happened to Professor Rat – t..." she found it hard to pronounce "Rattensberg". Not surprising, the name did sound complicated.

"Dear..." Judy sighed and hugged her. "We'll visit him again, don't worry!" What could Judy do? What was she supposed to say? That she thought professor Rattensberg was probably killed by someone? And this someone was after them as well? Moreover, Judy shuddered as she thought what might have they done to the baby raccoon. And to Nick...

"You have to be strong... think of your daughter!"

Henry's wife had told her. They also had kids. What has happened to them? Where were they now? Professor Rattensberg had a lot of relatives, it was true. From what Judy knew, he had at least four brothers and three sisters. But it would be foully to think that he could just pass away and this wouldn't be a problem for his kids due to the number of relatives. After all", as Judy thought, he was their true father". In the same manner, Violet loved her mother.

Judy quickly hustled up. There was no time to waste! They were targets as well. If they stood here, soon or late the Agency would find them. Judy had to get herself and her daughter out of town, and as fast as possible! Fortunately, she wore her wallet in the handbag. All the necessary documents and cards were there, she would make it!

"Mommy?" Violet stared with interest at her. "Where are we going?"

"We're going on a little trip, Dear!" Judy forced herself to sound cheered up. She didn't want to see her daughter's childhood ruined by tragedies and horrors...

They went to the Central railway station. As Judy prepared the documents, Violet looked around. Wooow! She had never seen such a big place before! The hall was overcrowded with zootopians. Passengers flew in different directions. Some waited at the ticket offices, others already entered the waiting rooms, while thirds arrived from the railway platforms. Over their heads, a big rectangular clock ticked and counted hours, minutes, seconds...

Tick – Tick – Tick – Tick...

Judy's heart skipped with every sound the clock made. Every second counted... if they caught them here... all would be lost forever... And, again, she did not care about herself... But of her daughter. Who knows what they planned to do to her once they had her? Judy shuddered at the very thought of it. Their turn came quicker than expected. Obviously, the offices worked efficiently. Judy breathed harder as they approached.

It was their turn. Judy took out some banknotes from her wallet.

"Two tickets, please! One for an adult and one junior's."

"Children under the age of 5 are free – of – charge." The office operator said.

"Oh, my bad! I completely forgot this!" Judy clapped herself.

"No need to worry!" the operator smiled. "Wait! You look familiar! Do I know you??" she suddenly stared at Judy.

Great! That was just what Judy wanted!

The Wilde family { EDITING TIME! }Where stories live. Discover now