In the shadows

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Donny stepped on the gravel path slowly and carefully. Despite his cautiousness though, his feet provoked the sound of little stones and gravel cracking. This is why he kept himself at a considerable distance from Violet and Roger. To him, they were at least a kilometer ahead. The reason Donny chose this path was because of his desire not to be spotted. Besides, it was a covert mission, right?

They entered the external area of the Central Park. That same Park, where Violet and her mother had been ambushed and nearly terminated. At least, that's what Donny had heard from his parents. Jessica and Ramsey had remembered this story and had told it to Donny as well.

"And it is hard to believe..." he muttered to himself "It is hard to believe she could walk with such calmness in such a creepy place. In fact, the place was not scary at all during Daytime. But when Night came, the bushes' shadows entered into their active states, forming the contours of different figures, which could sometimes make you lose your breath. Such places were well – known as criminal stages, where victims experienced the worst. And here, Donny could associate the place with Violet and, eventually, Roger. But he still could not understand how was it possible that Violet did not show even a sign of fear.

"And she walks as if... she has been hypnotized... such strange, robotic movements I have never spotted on her behalf before... Something is amiss here... I gotta check it out!" Donny whispered as he followed Violet and Roger through the forest area.

Donny had already decided to find out where they were going. Partially, it was out of curiosity – he wanted to know more about Ryan and his son. But there was something else messing as well... And every time Donny thought of it, a lump suffocated him. Now, after he bore witness to all these strange details – from Roger's unexpected invitation, to Violet's odd moves... And the place... it wasn't harmless, for sure! Something was to happen...

Donny had heard from Sir Wilde of the new takeout gas called "Heaven's". It was used by the police force for neutralizing threats, but it was well known to criminals as well. The purchase of this gas was restricted, but it was obtained, one way or another. Moreover, a curious detail – Components of this gas were used in the medical fields, and particularly in surgery, as anesthetics.

"If it is really what I think" Donny reasoned, "Then Violet is helpless in such a state... That jaguar could do to her whatever he wished..." Donny shuddered at this one. There were so many possible scenarios!

"Moreover" Donny thought – "Violet is the First of her Kind.... Wouldn't it be more than logical that famous zootopians and foreigners would desire to know her? Or maybe... to possess her?" There was no doubt now that Donny was smart. Yet, he had no evidence to confirm his fears. He could only guess what the consequences of such a meeting would be. In order to be able to claim something with certainty, he had to explore further.

As Donny reasoned, Violet suddenly sharpened ears and turned half her head at him. Donny turned pallid.

"Gosh!" he thought "Now I got myself in trouble! Oh, no.... Vi, no! Don't spot me... Just don't..." Violet stared right at the place where Donny was. He felt revealed and peered at her in return, unable to make a move. It was just the sweat, which flew on his face. Donny had a piece of cloth, but there were more important matters to him right now. Violet had spotted him and Donny just prayed that she didn't reveal him to her friend... Donny was ready to run away, should such a situation occur.

But, contrary to his expectations, Violet semi – closed her eyes, winked at him and turned around again. In fact, she had not stopped walking, she had just slowed a bit. And it appeared Roger had not spotted anything or was way too distracted. But right now, such questions did not bother Donny. He was more interested into discovering what was Roger up to.

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