A Friday feeling

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Days and months passed. Violet had already made a lot of friends at the kindergarten. Most of her coevals adored her for her cheerfulness, open – minded character and good manners. And not only children, but adults as well. Facilitators often set Violet in the front for her exemplary behavior. She was incredibly proud of this.

Although that, not all of the kids wanted to play with her and some of them even did not like being around her. Martin, for example, always avoided Violet and spread gossips about her. Once, during a dinner, he heard from his parents that Violet could prove to be dangerous for all zootopians and even to the global zociety. His father forbade him to play with her. Meaningless, since Martin did not want to mess up with Violet either way. He just envied her, for Violet had become quite famous in no time, while he had to struggle for his positions for years. Moreover, Violet was not rude, and he considered it a disadvantage. "Since" as Martin thought "One who allows others to object him, is weak and soon or late will be brought down". He constantly "proved" his superiority by forcefully subjecting the kids who were smaller than him in size or were not predators. Martin thought all had to obey him, until he confronted Violet.

All of us should know that appropriate discipline is what builds the striver's character. We should think of everyone as equal, not inferior or superior.

Violet did think so. She treated everyone as equal, no matter their personal characteristics. And that is why she gained the respect of everyone. Not only children, adults at the kindergarten also respected her. Violet behaved amicably, although she wondered why some of her coevals avoided playing with her. She made several attempts to learn what was wrong, but did not receive any meaningful answers in return.

Some of the kids at the kindergarten themselves did wonder why they avoided Violet. After all, she wasn't there to bake and crunch them for breakfast. Violet herself also did not know much... Until one evening...

It was Friday. The kindergarten's yard was full of children and parents. They all chatted and laughed, whispered and giggled, sneezed and greeted, talked and pleaded, and everyone was in an elevated mood due to the warm, aromatic summer Friday evening.

Violet stood near the internal door of the kindergarten. She waited for her parents.

"Hey, Violet, have a nice evening!" a mutual voice came from behind her back. Violet turned to see Erica, Franklin and Timmy. They were all leaving the kindergarten.

"Good evening!!" Violet waved at them.

She then noticed Franklin's parents. They greeted him. At that very moment, Franklin's mother took an eye on Violet. Violet grinned childishly, but then she looked at the female rabbit's face... It burnt out of fury and hostility. Violet felt uneasy. Then, Franklin's parents looked at their son and took him away. Violet did not understand, but when they crossed the exit, she heard Franklin's cry. His mother scolded him and slapped him. Violet turned red.

Was it out of shame, fear, or fury? She didn't know...

"Good evening!" someone spoke. Surprised, Violet turned again and saw... how strange... a mouse? A rat? Definitely, rodent of this kind. He stood on something... what was that thing? Violet's curiosity was immediately provoked. She turned her attention to him.

The rat also examined Violet with interest. He nodded as his big and long ears moved up and down, their tips piercing the air.

"Oh, good evening, young lady!" he finally spoke, as he nodded once again. "What is your name?"

"Um.. good evening! My name is Violet!" Violet responded.

"Ah.. Violet! What a wonderful name!" the rat spoke. "I'm Henry. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you as well" Violet talked with a bit of reserves.

"Ah, professor Rattensberg!" Someone spoke behind Violet. It was one of the facilitators. "It is so nice to see you here! You rarely visit our kindergarten".

"Oh, nothing personal, but... a lot of work lately." The rat responded. "Good evening!" he greeted.

"Where are the parents of this child?" the rat named Henry asked.

"Oh, they haven't arrived yet." The facilitator spoke. But at this very moment, Violet pointed at the exit:

"Mommy, Daddy!" she rushed towards Nick and Judy.

"Well. Well! And if this isn't a glorious meeting!" Henry noted with a wide smile.

"Ohhh, I can't believe it! Professor Rattensberg, it is so nice to see you here!" Judy exclaimed as she hugged her daughter.

"Nice to meet you, officer Hopps! Oh, officer Wilde, good evening to you as well!" the professor added cheerfully.

"From what I see, you are Violet's parents, yes?"

"Of course!" Judy and Nick responded at once. Violet just nodded her head.

"Ah... it is so nice to see you together." Professor Rattensberg spoke again. "I have to admit, I feel as if honored by Faith itself..." he added in satisfaction. "Here they are! My children! He jumped off the motor device and hugged his three sons.

"I suppose you already know them, Violet, but in any case: These are three of my sons: Jerry, Perry and Terry!" he introduced his children.

"Nice to meet you, Jerry, Perry and Terry!" Nick and Judy said.

"I'm really happy I met you, Violet. You're really fascinating." Professor Rattensberg spoke.

"I wish to invite you and your family to attend my house this weekend. We could discuss so many things and could have so much fun!" he added "Do you accept?"

Nick and Judy took an eye at each other.

"Well, we'd love to come." She finally spoke. "But if we are called on an urgent duty...".

"No worry! If you wish – you are always welcome!" Professor Rattensberg spoke with a smile. "I have to go now. Have a nice evening, Judy, Nick and Violet!" he waved at them. They waved in return.

"Well, I think it's high time we left as well" Judy spoke after a short silence.

"Indeed" Nick nodded. They took their daughter and moved towards the exit.

Violet heard a rustle behind her. Accidentally, she turned her head...

"Shhhhh!" a shadowy silhouette whispered behind her...

Dear readers, 

I hereby invite you to hit the white star and make it shine again! 

Should you have any questions, feel free to comment! 

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