A breath of fresh air

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Several years passed since the last events. If it wasn't the clear mind, who knows what could have happened more? The entire of Zootropolis had calmed down. No more news of the cursed Agency were spread and it seemed that, at last, zootopians have achieved their peace. Of course, there was a period, in which victims and hostages of the SSA were counted. The numbers were devastating. It was truly a whole tragedy. The state was literally flooded by protests, demanding the officials to take their responsibility for the havoc caused. Most of them did, but others disappeared mysteriously. Despite the police's efforts, most of the former officials could not be found. Rumors spread about the mysterious disappearances that occurred, but no one could provide any reasonable argument for the events. And in fact, no one wished to – Whatever, may they go wherever they wished, they had caused enough trouble there anyway....

Unlike the officials, however, the Wilde family was all over the news. The achievements of Judy and the return of Nick and Violet were truly attractive events. At least for the mass media. Journalists and studios constantly sent invitations, whether to Judy, or Nick, or Violet – it didn't matter. They were turned into real celebrities this time. Their history was well known among zootopians – Who could forget the first bunny in the police force, the fox, whose life had suddenly turned over, the relationship between the two, and then, all of these events and the most amazing one – Violet. Yes, she was truly fascinating!

It is doubtful whether this much attention was in the Wilde Family's favor. Nick and Violet had experienced an energy transfusion recently. So they had to get used to it, before showing themselves out. At least, those were the instructions given by Mega. Nick and Violet had to be active as intensively as they could in order to quickly adapt to their bodies. And from what Zero had told Nick ( Which, at some point, annoyed Mega, since it sounded more like a mortal threat rather than a good advice ), if they did not train, they would collapse and give up on life. Or, in other words, they would be dead once they stopped training. While Violet laughed at this one, Nick was kinda serious. It was of no joke when we spoke of a life danger.

Judy also had to withstand the pressure. Though it may looked like everything was okay, fearing that she might lose them again under who – hell – knows – what circumstances made her shudder. After so much experience, Judy was just like Nick – cautious at her every move. Months had to pass, before the Wildes could return to their normal lifestyle again.

Lilla constantly stood next to Judy. Bonnie's sister was one of her closest relatives. She often used to take care of Violet and Cooper, while their Mum and Dad were at work. She was happy that everyone trusted her, even after all those infelicitous events, some of which with her active participation. Yes, Lilla had not forgotten. Judy and Nick had forgiven her long ago, but still, memories were fresh. Lilla would never forgive her own self the mistakes she had made... Now, even the excuse that „she has had no choice„ did not find any ground.

Violet and Cooper grew up really fast. Even Cooper had started going to school. Violet adored him. In fact, the bond between the two had become even stronger than the one between Cooper and his mother – in – law, Judy. Violet was something like a "second mother", since she also got used to babysit him often when he was younger.

Bonnie and Stu often travelled to Zootropolis to see their relatives there. They were proud that Judy had achieved all her goals. Her greatest dream was to make the world a better place. And as it seemed, she had managed to achieve it as well. Judy's parents saw how Violet and Cooper grew up and tears fell off their eyes.

Nicoletta came to live with her son. After all the events, she wanted to make sure she was near him. Nicoletta was truly scared for Nick's life. How could a mother not be?

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