Covert ops

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If we asked of how Judy felt after becoming an integral part of the Agency, it is doubtful whether the answer would be positive. Having infiltrated THEIR ranks was an achievement, for sure. However, even Judy was not able to predict all the circumstances, which caught her unprepared at some point.

The entire solemnity, the environment, which provoked objection and fear, the harsh conditions and punishments in case of disobedience... All this got on Judy's nerves and stressed her to insanity. Never had she experienced something like this. Guess even the military did not use to work under such conditions...

After having met Marrie, Judy became aware in detail of her next mission. She had to contact the parents of a child, kidnapped by the Agency. She would phone them in order to blackmail them and receive the ransom. She would arrange a meeting to some lonely place... It didn't sound any complicated at all.

Judy sighed, as she prepared for her next mission. Despite having relaxed after she had learnt it would be nothing special, including no murder or suicide or heavy action of that kind, she was still nervous. Who knows how the circumstances could turn?

"Agent 47!" the communicator echoed. "Be prepared within two standard hours!"

The voice made Judy shudder. It was time... she HAD TO be ready, or otherwise... well, she was already aware of the consequence for disobedience, for being late.

Judy prepared herself quicker than she expected. She herself could not explain the reason for this abrupt behavior. It was probably due to the stress and the desire to do her best in order to impress her superiors and to avoid being suspected of anything.

Suddenly, the door of her room creaked, making Judy to jump and point her gun at it.

"Oh!" a tender female voice sounded. "I did not expect such a reaction on your behalf, Margaret!"

Surprised, Judy peered at the darkness and managed to distinguish the voice's owner.

"Who are you?" Judy spoke with suspicion in her voice.

"Nice to meet you!" the vixen responded gently. "My name is Angie".

Judy felt as if an electric charge had struck her. She looked at the vixen once again and recognized her. Angie had not changed much since the last time Judy had the opportunity to encounter her at Violet's kindergarten. Her hairstyle was the same – Curly and fancy, her manners were the same – always soft and careful when speaking. In fact, these were some of Angie's highly evaluated features. Whenever she found herself in a conflict or fell into trouble, she always managed to get out of it intact and even to protect group interests. More, she had a fully acquired and developed skill to manipulate. She could turn the tables in her favor in no time. Judy had to be extremely cautious with a mammal of that kind.

But Judy was already aware of it. In fact, Angie's basic features were no different than those of Nick. To be honest, Nick surpassed her multiple times, when it came to gentle behavior, combined with tactics. At some point, Judy was prepared for such obstacles.

"So... I've heard a lot about you lately!" Angie continued. "Extremely disciplined, cold – blooded, cautious, executive..." she smirked in front of herself. Judy shuddered involuntarily. She examined Angie carefully. This would prove to be quite a challenge... Still, Judy accepted it.

"You know" Angie continued – "I never make mistakes." Judy felt uneasy. What was that supposed to mean? Failure? Punishment? Warning? Definitely something she had to be aware of.

"So, you ready for your next mission?" Angie asked. All of a sudden, Judy restored her confidence. She lifted her head, focused her sight on Angie's and nodded in agreement. But she remained silent. Angie was left puzzled by such an aberrant behavior.

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