Fresh wounds

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D and C have failed... Two of my elite assasins were brought down... 

B turned on me... I expected... Let his betrayal be his downfall...  

The rabbit learnt too much... she must be dealt with! Find her! Wherever she is! Now! 

And this time... I want the rabbit - fox! Bring her to me, or face the consequences!

Judy, Violet and Lilla settled in their compartment. Some time passed. The train's wheels clattered on the tracks rhythmically and their sound provoked somnolence. But as each sleep attempt came close by, a stress wave responded to it and Judy trembled. Luckily, Violet had fallen asleep again. For her age, it was something normal. What was unusual was the stress she was subjected to. Vi was too young for it, and yet...

Judy constantly stood on alert. Lilla read a newspaper and did not pay much attention to her, yet alone to ask questions. For the auntie, such a behavior was something normal for a rabbit, and especially for one with a child.

But time went by, and Judy still looked nervous and worried. Lilla put the newspaper down and looked at her with concern.

"Judy, Dear, is everything okay?" Lilla whispered. Judy had just started slumbering, but quickly got up.

"Oh, Dear! I did not notice you have fallen asleep! So sorry, Dear!" Lilla apologized, as she came over Judy and gave her a hug.

"No problem, auntie... I was not sleeping" Judy yawned. Next thing – her hands immediately started searching for Violet.

"Auntie! Where is my..." Judy panicked. "Oh... there you are! Thank God!" Judy sighed in relief. Violet had fallen asleep on the seat, right next to her. Judy gave her a gentle kiss and covered her with her jacket.

"Dear, what has happened? I have never seen you to behave like this." Her auntie started. Indeed, Judy was well – known as the bravest and toughest in her kin. Was such a sudden change of the character in her favor?

"I'm fine, auntie, thanks..." Judy spoke after a short silence. "And you?" She asked her aunt in return, trying to crack a smile.

"Well, life keeps flowing" Lilla responded. She stared at Judy's face as she tried to uncover what bothered her. Again, short silence. It was midday already and the heat had become unbearable, though it was somewhat cooler in the compartment. Solar rays penetrated through the window. The Sun shined so brightly that one could be blinded for a few moments after having stayed with closed eyes for several minutes. Temperatures across the entire country were expected to be high this week and they were travelling to one of the places where, according to the weather forecast, averages were to reach over 40 degrees. They would fry themselves in Bunny Burrow, literally. Judy yawned once again and looked at Violet, then turned at Lilla.

"So... sorry for the aberrant behavior" Judy started.

"Oh, you shouldn't be worried about anything, Dear! As if I don't know what is to be a mother!" Lilla said with a wide smile.

"No... you do not understand... what I had to pass through..." Judy shook her head. Now, Lilla grew really concerned. What had happened? It must have been something terrible!

"Judy, I was the second who babysit you, just after your mother. Feel free to share anything that bothers you!" Lilla patted her shoulder. "You can rely on me and you know it!" she added.

"Auntie..." Judy was about to cry. After so much terror and uncertainty, she had finally found a shoulder to cry on. Suddenly, Judy felt weakness. She barely held it at bay. Lilla sat next to her and hugged her softly. At that same moment, Judy burst into tears.

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