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Okay, Dear readers, writing is on the line again! :) :) Am glad to announce the story gets bigger with every day passing! 

So far, a lot of questions could arise. 

Hit the vote if you enjoyed the chapter! And, yes, if you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate, let me know! ^^ :)

The vehicles' motors made a constant vibrating sound, which gradually escalated. Judy, Violet, Bonnie and Stu stood together in one of the cops' cars. Lilla was isolated into another one.

"B, you sure the engines are all up?" Nick asked the officer next to him.

"Yeah, no doubt, we checked 'em several times before we got there" B nodded his head.

"Oh, okay.... Why is that annoying sound then?" Nick rolled his eyes, as it really pissed him of.

"The cobblestone path, Sir..." B reminded.

"Ah..." Yes, they were driving onto a cobblestone path. And the noise was a result of the constant collision between the tires and the ground. Nick sighed. He had used to trust B since the very beginning of this saga... and even before that. In fact, they used to know each other since they were kids. B was a predator as well and perfectly realized the prejudices, which could emerge in zociety. They stood along each other at school and even after graduation... But now, with the Agency around, who would you trust most? Anyone could be part of THEM...

"B..." Nick interrupted his thoughts. "What of the suspect?"

"She is safe and sound, Sir, in one of the other cars." B responded firmly.

"Which one exactly?" Nick asked again, as he grew worried. "I want a full picture and constant monitoring on what's going on."

"Yessir!" B saluted and turned the camera screens on. Then, they saw Lilla. She just sat in the car and did not talk. It was as if.... She knew someone was observing her. No single sound, no single move, Nick grew suspicious.

"A catch to all units! Find an appropriate place and pull over!" he ordered. Soon, all of the cars stopped near a small gas station.

Nick went out of his car and headed towards the one Lilla was held in. There, he saw her.... Lilla had writhed in an angle and it looked like she was expecting him. Nick stood against her, with fur bristling, his badges shining at the bright sunlight. He had put a pair of quite fancy sunglasses, which made the scene a bit ridiculous, as if it was designated for the theatre. Some time passed. Nick stared at Lilla, who also looked at him.

"So.... How are you?" Nick spoke at last. Unlike the unknown vixen, who had tried to manipulate him while he was held hostage, Nick went straight to the point. He wanted to know why Judy's auntie would prove to be such a betrayer... After all these encounters with agents of the Agency, Nick had finally managed to learn something – most of the fierce agents were actually victims, abused, tortured and threatened with their families' and relatives' lives. They had no choice but to act as the Agency demanded, or otherwise... Nick wanted to solve this puzzle. He wanted to help Lilla, not just try to convince her to speak...

Yet, Nick's long training and knowledge of criminal psychology and criminology "warned" him to be cautious. The Agency was probably listening from somewhere... Nick had to be precise with his questioning in order not to raise suspicions.

He also knew: No names, nicknames, addresses, no data, no questions of that sort... only yadda like: "How are you" and "The weather is so nice, isn't it?"

The Wilde family { EDITING TIME! }Where stories live. Discover now