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30 chapters already! I feel so energetic guys! Thank you so much for your support and feedback! 

Chapters become more and more, and the story becomes more interesting with each single passing, yes? ^^ 

Hit the star if you enjoyed this chapter and, of course, feel free to comment for just about anything! ^^ 



"Alright, Nicky! I'm going to pick Donny up from the kindergarten! See ya!" With these words, Ramsey left Nick's apartment.

To be honest, after the conversation with the doctor, Nick felt quite distrait. He was confused and could not know whom to believe. First, as he had heard from Lilla, he was infected with a virus, which purpose was to drive him mad. Though she had not mentioned the eventual lethal consequences if the strain remained alive, it was obvious she had taken it into account. And afterwards, when professor Rattensberg enlightened him of the true purpose of the virus and, again, Nick reviewed the possible solutions... But now, he felt like struck by a thunder. He had not expected such a sudden turn in events. Now, it appeared that one of the Chiefs of the hospital where he had been held hostage had actually helped him, by replacing the deadly strain with another one, rather harmless. But if it was true, then Ramsey must have known of Nick's situation after the kidnapping, which occurred in the kindergarten... Well, explicable, since he confessed being an agent, and one of a higher rank. Also, the agent Lilla had eliminated.... He / she was probably sent by the Agency in order to keep an eye on Ram and in case something went wrong... well... "Bang!" and sort..

More, Nick could not explain Ramsey's hostile behavior towards Lilla. What on Zearth was going on there!? He behaved as if he had used to know her for quite a long. Again, a possible answer was Ramsey's position as an agent, but still.... It was unsatisfactory one.

Nick still held great doubt towards Lilla. Although she had saved him numerous times and had revealed information, which could be marked "classified" with no problem, there were always those gaps that sharpened the senses and made you stand on guard...

Because, Nick thought, Before she met me, as she herself admitted, she had acted on behalf of the Agency... who knows how many victims had fallen before her and how many more awaited her dagger?

"Nick?" Jessica suddenly turned at him and made him hustle up. "I'm sorry! Were you asleep?"

"Um, no, I guess..." Nick rubbed his eyes and looked at her. "Yes?"

"Nick, you seemed quite... thoughtful. Do you wish to share what bothers you?" Jessica asked.

"Um... well..." Nick scratched his head. What was he supposed to answer? It would probably be best if he just...

"Since I learnt I am infected with a deadly virus, I can't stay calm anymore..." he admitted.

"Gosh, that's indeed terrible!" Jessica confirmed. "What kind of virus?"

"Well, one, which could make me quite dangerous for you and for my own self." Nick spoke again, after a short silence.

"Nick... I do not know how it fits to what you 're telling me, but... One Friday evening, after my family returned home, Donny told me he had spotted something unusual in the kindergarten... It was... lemme guess.... 21 June?"

Nick shuddered. He remembered this Friday evening... the same Friday, when he awoke tied in..."

Jessica examined him carefully. Why did he make such a grimace? She thought.

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