The walk of Destiny

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Author's note: Watch out for this one! I'm sure you'll be surprised! 

The Wilde family exited the kindergarten and headed for the park. Although it was summer, the hour was late already and night had come. The weather was soft and warm, moderate temperatures, no rain, no clouds, no wind were present. The flowers' aroma spread in the air, sharpened the senses and softened the soul. Judy, Nick and Violet walked slowly. They were hypnotized by the peace and silence with which the environment surrounded them.

"Let's go for a walk in the park. The weather is so nice!" Nick suggested.

"Nick? Isn't it a bit late?"

"It is, Hopps, but there's nothing to worry about. It is Friday today. I think we all deserve a little rest. Don't know if we won't be called upon another case tomorrow morning..."

"That's not so important, Nick. Violet could be tired.."

"No, Mommy! I'm not tired. Let's go to the park!" Violet insisted.

"Well... since you two are so insistent... Shall we go?" Judy smiled. She also appreciated the idea of having a walk in the park, especially during such a weather. Darkness didn't matter so much. It was summer.

The Wilde family entered the park from one of the secondary alleys. They passed through the small oak – birch woods and after a few minutes stood on a gravel path.

"Where do we go?" Judy asked. Good question. From their standpoint, one could follow at least six different directions.

"I suggest that we go through this alley" Nick pointed at the narrowed path in front of them. "And we'll end up on the main one".

"You suggest that we go through the underbrush?" Judy asked. "Nick?" she turned at him.

But the fox next to her... Judy examined him carefully and lost her breath.

He... he.... HE WAS NOT NICK!

Judy quickly looked around and was satisfied to find Violet in her arms.

"Well, I could not entice you in the underbrush..." the fox's eyes flashed in light yellow.

"Stay back from me and my kid!" Judy shouted.

"You're indeed smart, rabbit... Smarter than I thought... But not smart enough!" he said with a sinister laugh.

"Who are you!? Where is Nick!?" Judy screamed.

"Pitiful I will have to spill your blood on the gravel... Your death shall be swift! You earned it!" the fox spoke as he finagled a sharp dagger. But Judy didn't wait for him. She took out her pistol and fired at him.

"Aaaargh! So you were armed as well!" he fizzled. "You dirty..."

"WHAM!" With one swift strike, Judy pacified him. Then, she grabbed Violet by the hand and ran.

Run fast, prey... Run!... But you will not outrun your fate!

Judy ran through the alleys for nearly half an hour. Violet was totally exhausted, but kept running as well.

Judy quickly took a look behind them, only to see the flash of a knife stabbing in the tree right next to her.

At that moment, something extraordinary happened.


Someone shouted. Moments after that, the path behind Judy and Violet exploded. The wave hit them hard, but Judy kept running. She did not look back anymore...

"Mommy... Please... I can't anymore..." Violet barely spoke, as she breathed hard.

"Vi, Dear, if we stop..." Judy shuddered, but she had no other choice. More running – and Violet would collapse. They stopped.

"Mommy... what just happened?" Violet asked, as she took a deep breath.

"Calm down, Dear..." Judy whispered. "Come, come to Mommy!" she hugged her. A few moments passed. Violet and Judy got themselves together. Yet... the shock remained.

"Mommy... let's go back home..." Violet begged.

"We're going, Dear..." Judy spoke with a trembling voice. But before they could continue, they saw something... Yes, there was something in the grass right next to the alley. Judy examined it carefully from distance, but could not distinguish it from the environment. She stepped forward to gain a better look.

"What is it, Mommy?" Violet asked, shaking out of fear.

"I don't know, Dear..." Judy responded. But right after that, she realized...

"It's... It's a baby! Oh, dear!" Judy gasped, as she picked it up. It appeared to be a little raccoon, sweetly sleeping.

"Violet..." Judy forgot the accident for a moment. "Vi, take a look..." she smiled.

Violet approached and stared at the baby with eyes wide – opened. Then, she caressed its fur and grinned.

"Mommy?" she asked. "He's coming with us, right?"

Judy's maternal instinct called. She knew the baby was doomed if it stayed here... Whoever the parent was... was not a parent anymore!

"Yes, Dear." Judy confirmed. Violet hugged her mother and kissed the baby. A tear fell off Judy's eye.

If only Nick could be here right now.... She cried quietly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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