A heartbreak

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Dear Readers! From here, yes, exactly from this chapter, began my Motivation to write this wonderful story! From "A Heartbreak" started the spark, which set the paper on fire! I didn't even imagine that "The Wilde Family" would get this far, but now it is a fact! And thank you, Dear Readers, for your incredible support and feedback! I'm so happy that "The Wilde Family" has reached a new stage of its development! And am twice as happy to announce that the story continues! Yaaaay! ^^

Now is the time to hit the star and make it shine! Also, should you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to write! :) Thank you!



When Donny opened his eyes, it was already morning. He caught his head.

"Oh! What a splitting headache!" he gasped. Donny barely remembered what had occurred the previous evening. Just small details floated on the surface of his memories.

"Oh!" he gasped again and looked around. Yes, he had awoken and this was his room. Nothing had changed. Donny rubbed his eyes. It was hard to believe he was feeling like this now... As if something terrible had occurred here, but his mind could not figure out what exactly... Donny even did not know he had passed out. He had just fallen unconscious and had awoken later, with no one around him in the meantime. As he stood, he suddenly shuddered.

"Gosh! Today's School Day! I gotta prepare, and fast!"

Donny literally flew off the warm blankets and went to the bathroom. He had noticed the complete silence, which had settled in the apartment and was left puzzled by it. His parents usually woke him up for school, but now... Donny smirked at himself – It looked like as if they had overslept. Donny had started creating his own habits of waking up early. He would have time for so many stuff! The beaver was ready in no time. For less than half an hour, he had managed to take a shower, dress himself up and pack his school backpack. Now all he had to do was get his breakfast. He went through the corridor and, still cautious in order not to make any noise, he slowly opened the wooden – metal door.

„Mom!"Donny exclaimed, as he spotted the figure of a female near the oven „You're awake!?"

„Donny!" Jessica gasped. „What time is it? Go back to bed!"

„Nah, Mum, I'm already awake!" Donny shook head. „And besides – it's 5:30 AM already! In an hour, I'll be out of here!" Donny grinned at his mother.

„Out? Where? School?" Jessica examined him. „Don't you remember what happened yesterday?" The way Donny had told it to her left Jessica surprised and worried. Donny's injuries had managed to exhaust him the previous day and now he would go to school in such a condition!?

„Yes, Mum! What else did you think of?" This time, Donny laughed really loudly, which woke his father up.

„But Donny... You're still injured! You need to stay at home for a while!" Jessica countered Donny's decision. As every caretaking mother, she would not let his stubborn teenager nature cause harm to his own self.

„But, Mum! I'm skipping important lessons! My wounds are almost cured." Donny spoke with a serious tone.

„And if something happens, while you are at school?"

„Well, we do have a nurse, an emergency team, who will react, should matters become serious."

„Donny, please... let us not challenge Faith..." Jessica's tone was begging.

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