In doubts we trust

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"What am I supposed to do now?" Donny sighed as he entered his room and looked around. Everything seemed just like before – nothing unusual, life flew further, as it has always been. He sat on his chair again. That same chair he had used to sit on when he needed a time alone. To be honest, he was not very impressed with any of the events that had occurred lately. Having encountered the fierce nature of Roger was nothing new for him. Donny had just assured himself the jaguar's intentions were for no good. As for his classmates and friends, truly, they did realize the hazard. But somehow, they kept themselves at a considerable distance when it came to direct actions. Something, which was admired by his mother. Jessica was a peaceful mammal, she did not want to fall into trouble and this is why she had reacted so emotionally when the SZPD once came to her dome, seeking Ramsey. She did know what he had got himself into and realized the character of the threat. And when she learnt the conflict had broken out, it was too much for her. As for Ramsey, after all relieved, he wished that his son never be messed up in such affairs. And Donny had already turned the situation into a quite complicated one.

Donny buried his head in the papers on his desk. There was a lot of them, actually. He never believed such a bunch could appear in such a little amount of time. For a period of a few days, Donny had managed to get all the newspapers, magazines, articles, newsletters and all other possible kinds of paper – based information sources. He had done a lot of research on the Internet as well and had printed almost 1000 pages. What was he going to do with such a gigantic amount of information? He himself did not know. Donny had been digging into the sources in order to find out more facts about Studio "Stars". Well, there was not a deficit of data, but all of it sounded like gossips, there was a lack of serious stuff. For example, Donny had come into an article, in which a quarrel between Ryan and his fans was discussed, putting the accent onto the fact that those same fans did not like his big eyebrows. The place for this article was found – it took place into the trash can quickly.

He was so occupied with his papers that he didn't notice he had a guest. His door creaked quietly, making him jump out of surprise. Donny turned around and stood face – to – face with his mother.

"Donny?" Jessica took a worried look at her son. "What is wrong? Why are you so overstrained?"

"Oh..." Donny sighed. " Nothing, just... I was a bit asleep in these papers... you know..."

"Is this some kind of a school project or?"

"Um, no... I mean, yes, for school..." Donny scratched his head.

"You surely spend a lot of time on it. But by the way, I'm here to tell you we have a guest."

"A guest?" Donny sharpened ears. "Who?"

"It's Violet" Jessica smiled. Much to her surprise, Donny just raised his eyebrows and stood up. He slowly put his coat in order and hugged his mother, after which he left the room. Jessica remained. Donny had started behaving in a quite unusual manner lately... As if he was an adult already.

"Wasn't it too early for him to become grown – up?" Jessica reasoned as she took some of the papers, which were left on her son's desk. She could not understand what provoked Donny's hard – set behavior, but it was something that had influenced him negatively, for sure.

On his behalf, Donny was not worried about his behavior. He knew it was part of his character. Donny liked solemn, official atmosphere, the serious tone, the aristocratic jokes and meaningful conversations. He did not like the idle chatter his friends and classmates made every day. They talked and talked just for the bare talking. If there were prizes for talking, they would have acquired the most prestigious one. However, Donny bypassed one important detail – communication. Yes, his friends and classmates could be making just "an idle chatter", but the fact was, that they shared and created bonds with each other. Bonds, many of which developed into stable friendships and other kinds of relationships. There was a difference between an official conversation, a business one, for example, and a chat. Although the two types could easily be combined, one should learn to distinguish them.

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