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"Who are you?" A voice asked from behind me.

I turned my head as I saw a young man in a white button up shirt, and black pants.

His hair was all messed up but in a good way, he had a tall figure as well.

He had plump, soft lips and he had a white jacket clinging on his right arm. On his left arm was his suitcase.

"I'm... your roommate?" I replied.

"Roommate? I wasn't informed for that," he replied as he walked past me.

He stopped for a second and rushed back in front of me to examine my features.

"Wait.... haven't we met?" He asked.

"What do you mean? I know lots of people okay?" I replied.

"Aren't you the girl that got depression a year ago?" He asked again.

I thought for a bit then I realised.

"Dr. Park?!" I gasped.

"Kim Minhyo?!" He gasped.

We gawked at each other as we stared at each other from top to bottom.

"A patient and a doctor, rooming together, how interesting," he chuckled as he walked past me like it was fine with him.

"Why are you dorming here?" I asked as I followed his direction to his room.

"There's a hospital connected to this university, and I work there," he replied as we stopped in front of his door.

"How can I not know there was a school beside the hospital?" I replied with a question.

"Because you're a pabo," he replied.

"Yah! I'm not a pabo!" I shot back.

"Have you been in my room?" He asked, totally ignoring what I just said as he creaked his door open.

"How did you know?" I replied nervously.

"First of all, the scent of my room is different, it smelled like a woman and a man's scent mixed together, like they made love," he expressed.

"Second of all, this must be 100% yours," he said as he held up a pink lace cloth from the ground.

My cheeks flushed red as he did that.

"Hey! You jerk!" I said as I snatched the piece of undie away from his dirty hands.

"Get your dirty hands off my undergarments!" I said.

"Aish! And I'm the dirty one, you ought to keep your clothes well, especially when you're rooming with a guy," he replied as he shoved me out of the door.

"By the way, call me Jimin, not Dr. Park, that sounds way too formal," he said and closed his door.

I grumbled as I stomped to my room in a dissatisfied manner.


"Hey, wake up," a voice echoed through my ears as I was enjoying my slumber.

My eyes shot open to see a Jimin in his pajamas and in his bed hair.

"You don't wanna be late for class, so wake up!" he yelled like an alarm.

"How- Why- did you get in my room?" I asked.

"Opening the door of course," he replied.

"You didn't even knock?" I grumbled.

"How would you hear me knocking when you sleep and snore like a turbo vacuum?" He shot back as he went out of my room.

I got myself fixed as I went out of my room to see a piece of toast, a cup of coffee, and an apple on the table.

"What are these?" I questioned him.

"Its what we call food, as your doctor, you need a healthy diet, so I prepared those for you, consider yourself lucky," he replied as he sipped his cup of coffee whilst leaning by the kitchen counter.

After a bounty breakfast, I took my bag and rushed to the door.

I didn't bother to even say goodbye to him, because he doesn't even care from the looks of it.

I met Ari by the elevator and she looked delighted to see me.

"Minhyo! I missed you!" She exclaimed as she hugged me tightly.

"Its only been for the night Ari, by the way, who's your roommate?" I asked.

"A girl named Yeri, she's very quiet for some reason," she replied.


"Well, its unexpected," I replied as I nervously played with my fingers.

"What? Come on! Tell me!" She said as she placed her hands on my shoulders.


Before I said anything the elevator opened.

We both stepped in and waited for the elevator to close.

"Who was it?" She asked again.

"My doctor, Park Jimin," I replied.

"What?" She gasped, flabbergasted.

I nodded upon hearing her gasps.

"Park Jimin? The hot psychiatrist? I'm sooo jealous!" She fangirled.

Recently, Ari has been interested in hot guys. Unlike me, I've been trying my best to move on from my breakup.

We stepped out of the elevator and headed to our seperate classes.

I walked to the huge gate that labelled my classroom.

I walked in and saw all eyes laid on me as I turned to the seats and sat on one of them.

The bell rang, and the teacher walked in.

My eyes widened upon seeing the teacher.

"Good morning class," the teacher greeted in a nice tune.

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