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I looked at him and I could tell this boy looked so familiar.


I'm Choi Yeonjun, please take care of me,"

My eyes widened and I felt my heart drop again, I still remembered the time where he was there, standing by the doorway, crossing his arms and his figure towering over me, three years ago.

"You may sit beside Minhyo over there," Mr. Park-Fricking-Jimin said and I felt myself getting dizzy.

Damn Jimin! Why!

As he was approaching me, I remembered all those words he has said to me before he disappeared like dust.


"What you see is what's real, Kim Minhyo, I've decided to leave you," Yeonjun said as he crossed his arms.

"B-but Yeonjun, you must be joking right?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"I realised that I have fell out of love for you, you're too good, I don't deserve you," he replied without a single regret visible in his eyes.

"B-but-," I said but got cut off.

"Goodbye forever, Kim Minhyo, lets be friends," he smiled wickedly before joining Taeri as they walked together, hand in hand.


"KIM MINHYO!" Someone screamed and I snapped out of my daydream after seeing a red-faced chili pepper with his fists coiled up AKA Park Jimin.

"It took you three times for me to call your name! And daydreaming in MY class? Detention!" He yelled as he sat down on his chair with his messy button up desperately trying to stay strong and keep Jimin from going shirtless.

Jimin does have temper issues...

"Omo! Mr. Park is sooo hot when he's mad!"

"Mr. Park should be angry in bed too~"

"Ugh! He's so hot!"

I looked at the girls right infront of me and immediately facepalmed on how dumb they are to even have an angry Jimin as a hot topic.

Guess they need an eye doctor.

I felt someone suddenly staring at me and I looked at Yeonjun who was closely eyeing as if he was in shock.

I looked away to hide my tears when I saw Jimin standing up again after he calmed down.

Move on Minhyo, you're done with this shit.


After class, I followed this so-called, Mr. Park to the detention room.

We both went inside and he locked the door before walking to the desk after I have seated infront of him.

"So Minhyo, why have you been spacing out lately? You know I hate it when my students space out," he said straightforwatdly as he tilted his glasses upwards.

"W-well, its just... its just...," I replied as I bit my lip, trying to hold back my tears.

"H-hey, what's wrong Minhyo?" He asked.

And then, I lost it.

I could feel this liquid dripping down my eyes as I sobbed everythung out.

You should move on, please move on.

You're done with him, but you can't let him go yet.

This is the first time I have ever cried  infront of someone ever since I was still in a relationship with Yeonjun.

I felt footsteps approaching me and I felt someone wrap their arms around me, trapping me in a warm embrace.

"Tell me if you're ready, please don't cry," Jimin said softy as he patted my back and rubbed it afterwards.

The curtains were thick and closed, no one could see us inside detention. The door was also locked where no one could come in to us.

"Its, its just that-," I was about to say but got cut off by a ring.

"Its mine, wait a minute," he said and took our his phone, breaking the friendly hug we just had earlier.

"Yes Ms. Lee? An appointment? Yes, I'll be there," he said and hung up.

"I have to go, I have an appointment with a patient and I forgot I have my clinic duty tonight, I'll be home late, you can do that right? You'll wait for me right? and I promise I'll got to you first thing as soon as I'm done," he said as he stood up whilst putting back his phone in his pocket.

I nodded slowly, still sniffling as Jimin patted my head before walking towards the door.

"Oh, and your detention is over, I'm not mad anymore," he softly smiled before leaving and closing the door behind him slowly.

I was about to stand up and go straight to the dorms when my phone rang.

I took it out and saw the caller ID.

I answered it and put it to my ear.






Yes, our TXT boy Yeonjun has finally joined our book ;)

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