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-a few minutes ago-


"Someone wants to meet you," Mr. Jeon said.

"Um, who?" I replied.

"He goes by the name Yeonjun,"  and he wants to talk to you," he replied.

"Where is he right now?" I ask, unsure.

"He's waiting for you in the parking lot," he replied.

"I'll go, thanks Mr. Jeon," I said as I walked off, carrying my purse.

I took out my phone and sent mom a text saying I went back to the dorm.

I sighed deeply and became hesitant, thinking to myself as I entered the elevator.

Should I visit him?

But he's the same man who dumped you for another girl.

I was so deep into thinking that I realised I'm at the parking lot.

I exited the elevator and saw a dark figure leaning against the wall.

I approached it slowly and there he was.

He's still wearing the clothes from earlier, his dark brown hair glistening under the moonlight. He had his hands in his pockets as he jammed to the music which were in his earphones.

He changed a lot.

He looked towards me and smiled slightly.

"Kim Minhyo, you came," he started.

"What do you want, Yeonjun?" I asked him.

"Why? Don't you miss your ex?" He asked mockingly.

"No, and never would I have thought of seeing you again," I replied coldly.

"Ouch, that's harsh," he said as he took off his earphones.

"What do you want from me? Why am I here?" I asked again.

"Because I want you back," he mumbled a bit for only me to here.

"Listen Yeonjun, there will never be an I want you back, you had your chance last time, I won't let you have me in your palms again," I gritted out.

"Listen Minhyo, I'm sorry, that... that woman wanted me to be her boyfriend instead, or she'll kill you," he replied.

Lies. So many lies.

"No! Do you many know how many lies I have even lived under when we were in a relationship? You lied! Except for that! And worst of all, it was my ex-bestfriend!" I shouted.

He was in a loss of words, speechless.

"You know what? I'm done talking to you, you might be my classmate this year, but I'm done with you, we're done," I finished as I left without turning my back, leaving him buffawed.

Tears were pooling in my eyes as I made my way to the dorms to where I could just scream in my pillow and die in a hole.

As I opened the door to my dorm, I could see the whole room dimmed in darkness and a lone figure standing on the balcony.

"Jimin?" I called out.

No response.

I walked to him to see-

Oh my precious jewels.

Jimin adorned nothing but just a loose pair of sweatpants hanging on his waist, his hair  was wet like he came out from the shower. Some water droplets were still visible on his back and his biceps gripped the railings of the balcony.

"Why?" He started.

"Jimin?" I called, nervous.

"I said, why?" He said, trying to calm the anger in his voice.

He turned his body towards me and his chocolate abs were visible under the moonlight, his wet blonde hair was messy, and his V-line was showing just below his sweatpants.

"What do you mean, Jimin?" My voice cracked.

"Why are suffering so much on yourself?!" He let it out.

Wait, don't tell me he-

"You heard it, didn't you?" I replied as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Is this what you were going to tell me?" His eyes flared in anger.

I looked down on the floor and bit my lip, my tears dropping one by one.

I felt two fingers under my chin and my head was being lifted up to meet his gaze.

His eyes softened as he saw me, his plump lips parted in awe as he saw my disarray form.

"You should've told me it was him, the guy who made you broken," he softly whispered.

"The guy who dumped you for someone else," he continued, his hand tracing my waist.

"That guy doesn't know what woman he's been missing on," he mumbled as he engulfed me into an embrace.

I stayed silent, letting my tears dampen his bare top, I gripped the hem of his sweatpants as I let myself cry in his embrace, his faint smell of cologne and mint made me feel home.

"If he cheated on you,

How about you show him his lesson?"



Awiieee a soft little moment between Jimin and Minhyo :3



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