entry #6

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an original poem by:

Wings that soar above the skies
It swoops through a million fireflies
Where children hung their groovy kites
Her beautiful feathers that shone in the light

Her claws that nestled when its dark at night
Her wings that were once a beautiful knight
How I wonder under the stars so bright
Would you be with me until the end of time?

So go, let me go
You left me under this snow
When its winter and freezing
You said I shall never be uneasy
For your love is wider than seas

And now I soar in the skies
I wonder if I'll ever try
Coming back to your nest n' wings
But you never opened your wings
Instead you flew away
From my existence you fleed
I'm a monster, indeed.

-Park Jimin

(January 12, 2005)

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