twenty nine

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Knock knock!

I groaned at the sound of the door being knocked.

Shit, was just getting started.

I got off her and straightened my sweater, making sure I look presentable.

I combed my blonde hair to the side as I towered down Minhyo, who looked like tomato after what happened.

"Shh, I'll get it;" I softly spoke as I started walking to the door.

I opened the door and looked at the petite woman infront of me.

"Park Jimin, we need to talk!" Mom said in a stern voice as she crossed her arms.

Gee, what's with all these talks?

I stayed silent and closed the door, walking over to Minhyo and kneeling down infront of her since she's sitting straight on the bed now.

"I have to go talk to mom, will you be alright here?" I asked her.

"I'll be fine," she replied as she cracked a shy smile.

I chuckled and stood up, walking towards the door and opening it again, seeing mom still standing there with rage  in her eyes.

I closed the door and stood infront of her, crossing my arms.

"What do you want now?" I groaned.

"I recieved a call from Ari saying that you kicked her out, may I remind you that this is my house and my property? I could do-,"

"I have the right to actually remove and add people into this household because I'm the heir of this house and I have lived in this house before? I read grandpa's will saying that the eldest grandson may share atleast 50% of the possesions of the family property," I cut her off.

"Still genius, I see," she scoffed.

"I'm still never gonna forget how many times you left me like a doll," I narrowed my eyes at her.

"That is why I got Ari for you! She volunteered to take care of you while you stay here!" She exclaimed.

"But mom, Ari is the past now. I live in the present," I replied.

"Son, I promise you that Ari will make you happy again, so ditch Minhyo, she's gonna break you again," she gritted her teeth.

"How about you date Ari mom? No wonder why dad left you and took your so-called favorite, Jihyun with him," I rolled my eyes at her.

"Jihyun is completely acceptable! I took care of Jihyun while your father turned into a psychopath!" Mom said.

"Dad was problematic and I could see it in his eyes after I got caught in an accident! What about me mom? I never experienced what a real kid felt! All these exams and advanced physics and all the chemistry I was taught since 6th grade never let me out to play with other kids!" I argued back.

"And thats why you're like this," she scoffed.

"Its not my fault I'm like this," I gritted out.

I was so angry that I pushed the door open to see..

What the-

How did Ari get in the room?!


I was holding Ari's arms, stopping her from deliberately slapping my face.

"You- you bitch! I'll never forgive you for taking Jimin away from me! He's mine! Mine!" She screamed at my face.

"Then who said Jimin wants to own you!" I shot back.

"The f*ck Lee Ari, you f*cking bitch," Jimin cussed as he literally tore Ari away from me.

Jimin pushed her so hard her back landed on the wall and I swore I heard a bang.

"Park Jimin! What has gotten into you?!" Mrs. Park said as she ran towards Ari, helping her up.

"Mom, kick her out now! Or we'll go home tonight and I promise you won't f*cking see my face ever again," Jimin gritted out as he bore lasers into his mom's eyes.

Mrs. Park heaved a big sigh before furrowing her brows.

"Fine, Ari meet me outside," she spat in irritation as she stomped outside, pulling Ari away with her.

The door closed and Jimin exhaled, glistening sweat that coated his collarbone that was visible under his white button up.

"I hate her, make her go away," he suddenly whimpered, making me go closer to him like an instinct.

"Make her go away," he repeated, cradling himself in his arms.

From angry to sadness, what has gotten into this man?

"Jimin, its gonna be okay, we'll figure this out," I softly spoke as I hugged him, making sure he feels secured.

He suddenly stopped cradling himself and stared towards me, his eyes deep with wisdom and idea.

"I got an idea," he softly spoke, eyes bore right into mine.

"But its not gonna be pretty, so ride me, babygirl, I have a plan."



How horny can Jimin get? Rate 1-10.

I rate 100000

Get ready cuz things bouta get HOT on the next chapter.

Hot potatoes.

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