twenty four

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"Wait what? No way in the world I'm gonna f*ck with you Jimin," I spat as I ran to the bathroom, scared he'd rape me.

"I'm not gonna insert my dick in you, well not exactly. You'll still be a virgin, trust me," he explains as he plays with the hem of his black jeans.

"Why would you ask me to strip?" I asked.

"Because we're gonna have fake sex, mom's next door and I wanna make sure you're better in bed than that pain in the ass inexperienced slut," he replied.

"What? What do you mean by inexperienced slut?" I replied.

"Its no use keeping the truth from you," he sighed making me furrow my brows. "My ex is here and I want her to know you're better than her."

"You have an ex?" I asked.

"Yeah, seems new to you?" He answered.

"Please Minhyo, I just want my ex to go away, she won't believe it," he replied with pleading eyes as he opened the bathroom door.

"She thinks I still want her," he pleaded once again.

He was now in his grey boxers, his hair all messed up as he looks at me.

Well, atleast the cock's not standing.

"Fine, just because you help me," I rolled my eyes as I took off my denim jacket.

"Oh, and take off the bra and panties, we don't need that," he said as he slowly closed the door.

Having sex with Park Jimin, your doctor, your teacher, your roommate, what kind of mess did I get myself into?

I took off my clothes and wrapped a bathrobe around me, in which I just found hanging in the bathroom.

"Then what?" I answered, getting out of the bathroom.

"Then, we moan," he snickered jumping on the bed in nothing but boxers.

"I'm gonna take off my boxers," he winked as he played with the band of his boxers.

"No way in my virgin existence am I gonna see my doctor's dick," I said as shielded my virgin eyes.

"Fine," he said as I heard footsteps, a but of irriation laced with it.

I opened my eyes slowly and sister I must tell you the bulge in his boxers is too obvious.

"Wow, you are huge," I muttered.

"What was that?" He replied, grinning.

"I said the house is huge," I replied.

He patted an empty space beside the bed and I sat on it, laying down with my bathrobe still wrapped around me.

He laid down on the bed and put the white duvet over us, he smirked as he looked towards me.

Jimin suddenly bounced on the bed making my eyes wide like saucers.

"What the frick are you doing?" I whispered at him.

"Bouncing on the bed like how I bounce on my girls," he winks as he bounces again.

He's practically gonna break the bed.

"Ah~ you're so tight," he moans out making my cheeks blush.


"M-Minhyo, bounce on it," he moans again making my face buried into the pillow.

Why, why, why did I even agree to have fake sex with this man?

I could feel my lower region get wet just from hearing him.

After a few minutes of hearing him moan, he stopped.

He wrapped his arm around the hem of my bathrobe and cuddled me into his chest.

I stared into his warm brown eyes as he stared back.

Pure lust.

That's what he gets when he moans my name too many times.

He grabbed my waist and kissed my lips, he was savouring the taste of my lips as he kissed me passionately. He pulled away and made me lay on his chest.

"Minhyo, someday we're gonna be-" he whispered as he fell asleep, probably from exhaustion.

My heart was thumping so loud it would jump out of my chest anytime soon. The taste of his lips still lingering on mine.

I soon felt the drowsiness in my eyes, letting sleep engulf me.


The rays of the sunlight hit my face as I suddenly opened my eyes, I tried to get up but a strong force kept pushing me down, I looked to my right and I saw bare skin.


I jolted up and removed his arm in the process, still staring at the half-naked man beside me as I clutched my bathrobe.

We had sex, did we have sex? Wait, did we?

Was all I could think in my mind.

"You're awake," a voice startled me.

I looked to the figure sitting beside Jimin, caressing the sleeping blonde's hair.

Wait, how did she get in here? Did she even learn how to knock?

"I'm guessing you're the girlfriend?" She asked.

All I could do was narrow my eyes and squint my eyes through the blinding light from the sun.

She had brown hair, dark eyes and her lips were pursed together, waiting for an answer.

She cocked her head to the side while I had to process all the information being sent by my eyes.

She looks familiar, VERY familiar.

And it took me a few minutes to widen my eyes in shock.




BEHOLD! I have made the biggest plottwist this book has ever had!😂

Let us welcome Ari's comeback!👀

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