thirty one

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"Jimin! Jimin!" I screamed Jimin's name and everyone was glaring at me like a maniac that just got out of the asylum.

But who would actually shut up after hearing your own dorm room getting gatecrashed by some psychotic person?

Jimin turned his head and shushed me and I stood there, panicking.

"Minhyo, what is it? People are looking," Jimin whispered, unaware.

"Jimin! The maintainance of our dorm room just called! We were robbed!" I whisper-screamed and his eyes widened.

"What the f-," he cussed.

"We need to get there as quick as possible!" I said as I pushed other people away.

Some people were glaring at us and whispering around but do I care about that? Our home is being robbed.

"Miss, you must stay in line to get the ticket," the woman in the front desk spoke, eyeing me and Jimin.

"You've gotta understand!" I said and looked at Jimin, signalling him to do something.

"Here, I got this," he whispered to me as he pulled out a card.

"Person with disability, sir?" The woman questioned.

She took the card and examined it, then handing it back to Jimin. He put the card in his pocket and the woman gave him the tickets.

"Happy travels, sir and ma'am," the woman said briefly before apologizing to the crowd to what happened.

Me and Jimin rushed to the scanners and we scanned our cards, barging our way to the subway.

We finally stopped infront of the train that led to Seoul, we let go of each other's hands and catched our breath.

"Y-You have a disability?" I asked him.

"Sight disability," Jimin replied, standing up straight.

"But you don't wear glasses!" I exclaim.

"I wear contacts!" He retorted.

"But you don't seem like wearing something contacts," I said.

"I wear dark brown contacts, okay?" He replies while running a hand on his blonde locks.

I stayed quiet and we both sat down to wait for the train to arrive. When it did, we walked straight into it and sat down on our seats.

"Why out of all the dorm rooms, do ours get to be robbed?" Jimin groaned, his face getting all restless.

"I don't know, but I smell something fishy," I replied, checking my phone again to see if the maintainance texted me, but none.

"Its so cold," I chatter, the air conditioner was on and it was almost winter, I feel like a popsicle and I was only wearing a sweater and jeans.

"Here," Jimin says as he hands me his jacket.

"No thank you, you need it," I reply.

"Want me to warm you up with my dick then?" He asks, and I jolt away from him, he wriggled his brows like he's some kind of porn star.

"Ew, no! I said I was cold!" I snap.

"Then I'm gonna warm you with-," he said but I shut his mouth.

"Thats disgusting! When I mean cold, doesn't mean I'll give you some sort of blowjob."

"But... you would blowjob me right?"



"You're saying as if you'll live as a virgin forever," Jimin snorts and I furrow my brows at him.

"But you won't soon," he mumbles.

"What was that?"


We didn't realise until now there was a young lady looking at us with shock before whispering something to her husband, and the husband returns with a sour glare towards us.

"That's the third time we've been glared at today," Jimin whispers at me and I nod.

He relaxes into the seat as he stretches his back muscles.

"I'm sleepy, wake me up when we get there," he says and he lies his head down on the seat.

I focus my attention the window and think about how it will go back in Seoul.

What will happen to our home?

Suddenly, someone's weight fell on my shoulder and I looked to see Jimin's head resting there, fast asleep and not even moving an inch.

I don't realise my cheeks are heating up when I stared at his perfectly plump lips that were left untouched and unwanted.

By some selfish hoe.

I smiled and looked at him once more, not waking him up, and looking towards the window once again.

I felt drowsy, not because of the trip back home, but the drama Jimin put me up with him. I guess without him, I wouldn't know what kind of person Ari is.

Maybe he really did all of this, just because he.. no... he wouldn't. Not in a million years.

I didn't realise my eyes started to close and drift me off to my world.



I just found out how I suck and how nooby I am when I write highschool playboy love stories -_- I don't know why I like reading them but I just despise writing them idk why :(


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