twenty eight

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We snapped our heads to that voice.

It either this, the voice Jimin missed or the voice he hated.

"What, I thought you left," he rolled his eyes coldly.

"What's for breakfast?" She asked.

"Kimchi, but its not for you," he scoffed as he poured the kimchi in a pan of rice.

She looked pretty pissed at the moment and noticed my presence, she glared at me as I just stared at her silently.

"I need to talk with your girlfriend," she spat harshly as she walked over for my arm but I was pulled away from my seat by Jimin.

"Don't touch her," he gritted out.

"I said I need to talk to her," she said, her voice getting louder.

"If you want to talk to her, talk with her in the living room where I can keep my eye on both of you," he hissed as he let go of my arm harshly.

Ari grabbed my arm, her nails digging into my skin as I bit my lip through the pain.

We walked to the spaceous living room and thats when she dropped my arm, almost swinging it, in a rough manner.

"I can't believe you," she began.

"Believe what?" I replied harshly.

"You're still with him? After you found out I dated him?" She sneered.

"I don't see the wrong in that, ex-bestie," I rolled my eyes.

"You bitch! You practically stole the love of my life away from me! Jimin would never love such a stupid and heartless girl as you," She whisper-yelled.

And that took enough to break my heart.

"What about you? You cheater! Hoe! You and Yeonjun should date each other, you're both close-minded, stupid whores that I don't know, ditch people for some person they think is better than the other!" I shot back.

"Why you, you're the hoe! I did it for the best you piece of shit, Jimin wouldn't like a trashbag like you. He likes slender women, beautiful and smart, not like you, attention-seeker," she said as she crossed her arms.

"Attention-seeker? What about you? Prostitute woman-hoe?" I gritted out.

"I know Jimin more than you, I know him so I should be with him! I should be in your spot!" She raged.

"Too late, Jimin loves me, he'll never love a two-sided clown like you," I spat.

"Depression my ass, you wanted Jimin to fall for you so you got depressed," she assumed.

"My depression is so much real than your attraction to Jimin," I scoffed.


She raised her hand and I closed my eyes shut, ready to feel the stinging pain on one of my cheeks.

But I never felt it.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Jimin's grip on Ari's hand that was raised up high.

"You don't touch my girlfriend like that, you bitch," Jimin hissed as he shoved her arm away.

"J-Jimin, she started it!" She said, acting all innocent.

"She started it my ass, I heard both of you! I was just waiting for you to raise your hand and slap the spirit out of her!" Jimin snapped.

"Get out!" He said, his arm wrapped around my waist, pushing me to his chest protectively.

"But Jimin-"

"GET OUT!" Jimin screamed as she scurried away to the front door, shooting us a glare before slamming it shut.

My eyes filled with tears, the voices from years ago echoing in my head as I tried my best not to break down.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked me but I stayed silent, pushing his arms away from me as I ran to the bedroom, my heart becoming heavy and painful.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my self-esteem going to rock bottom as I looked at the girl infront of me.

Beautiful? Smart? Fit? Slender?

What does Jimin see in me?

Soon, Jimin rushed in, panting as he eyed me, pausing for a moment as the silent tension grew in the room.

"Tell me Jimin," I said as soon as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Tell you what?" He answered.

"Why me?" I asked.

"In what, Minhyo?" He replied.

"Why, out of all the girls in this world, would you like me?" I whispered, my tears starting to fall from my cheeks.

His hand touched my shoulder and I turned around to face him, his arms moved to my waist and he wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a warm hug.

"Minhyo, you're beautiful, you're you and thats what I like about you, you're so unique," he replied, rubbing circles on my back.

I never noticed my heart beating so loud, but I ignored it and opened my mouth again.

"But, I'm fat and useless, I'm ugly and I guess thats the reason Yeonjun broke up with me," I replied, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"You're imperfectly perfect, your body deserves to be cherished," he softly spoke.

"But Jimin, have you even seen my body? Its so-"

"I said stop criticizing yourself, you're beautiful," he said as he grabbed my shoulders to examine my face, his lips forming into a smile.

He neared his face into mine as his soft lips touched mine, pecking my lips as he spoke a word one-by-one.

"You're. So. Beautiful. Min. Hyo." He spoke, each pause replaced with a kiss on the lips.

"I'm not," I said, flustered.

"Stubborn, so stubborn," he shook his head as he lifted me in his arms and placed me on the bed, gazing over my features.

"If you won't cherish yourself, I will."

"I'll prove you you're beautiful, pretty girl."




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