thank you

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I have this habit in leaving a thank you note in all my books.

Because all of you guys deserve a thank you and some love from me.

Thank you everyone for being my wings and thank you for never giving up on me.

Thank you for walking this path with me. Thank you for giving all your patience and love and support even though i don't even know what to do anymore.

Thank you for always understanding and believing in me. Thank you for choosing to stay until the end.

I'm thankful that you all love my books when I think my books aren't good enough to satisfy you guys.

There are lots of things I couldn't explain on how much I am thankful and grateful to each one of you guys.

I've been well actually. I finished the chapters of this book earlier than expected and I'm resting my brain until I publish all the chapters and I will start writing the other books.

Thank you potatoes. I hope you all love yourselves and learn from this book. This book leaves alot of memories for me, laughing, crying... its a mix of emotions of my life I couldn't fortell.

I hope you all continue to support and love my works, each one of you is special and this will always have a special place in my heart.

You potatoes somehow will always make a way to warm my sassy and weird heart. I have a infinite words to describe how much I love and appreciate every single loving comment from you guys I wanna hug y'all :(

Remember each one of you are being loved and cared for, don't forget to take care of your mind and body, you are beautiful or handsome with your own flaws and imperfections, remember that.

I hope you potatoes reach your dreams and be successful. Stay safe from this pandemic and wear your masks, wash your hands and drink water. Pray to God all the time to protect you from the virus!

Remember I'm always here cheering and rooting for all the achievements and success you have reached in your life! Fighting!💜

Lots of love and hugs,


Dr. Jagiya ✓Where stories live. Discover now