forty seven pt.2

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I read the prescription over and over again, my eyes not decieving me.

I read every prescription and it was the same conclusion, some were test results and certificates.

My mind has been whirling around, my body was frozen.

Three times brain surgery

Once a month treatment

My heart is aching.

He never told me this.

I need to find Jimin.


I ran out of the hospital, the air was suffocating me and I can't bear to even breathe in the same place where she died.

I walked to my car when I heard a shrill voice calling my name, I turned my head to see a huge figure approaching me.

"Mr. Park! We need to talk!" The voice boomed as it approached me.


"Are you out of your mind?! Dating your student is illegal! Its against school rules!" Mr. Shin said sternly as I stared at the floor.

"I expected more from you! You were one of our best teachers!" He yelled and grabbed my shoulders, facing me.

"D-do you have proof?" I asked him with courage.

"What's this?" He replied before holding up his phone, a picture of me and Minhyo hugging in the hallway, a glimpse of our faces were caught too.

I gazed at Sohye, smirking at me from head to toe, I didn't even have the energy to respond.

I feel weak.

"You have to go break up with her or I will expel her!" He says sternly before letting go of me.

"Get out now," he said and I didn't meet his eyes, I just turned my back, too tired to fight back.

I walked to the elevator, my finger pressing the 'up' button before waiting for the doors to open.

As the doors opened, I met her face.

She was wearing a cap and she just looked at me before walking out of the elevator, our shoulders bumping against each other.

"I wish you a happy life," she spoke and the elevator doors closed.

Lee Ari?

I stared at the closed doors, my mouth opening slightly before I closed it shut, my throat was hurting like shit.

The doors opened again and I walked out of the elevator, making my way towards the apartment.

I entered the key inside, unlocking it before walking inside, looking around.

"Minhyo? Are you home?" I called, waiting for her to respond but no voice did.

Is she out? Where is she?

I was going towards my room, when a pain suddenly rose to my head.

And it was much more painful than my last migraines.

I sat on the floor and clutched my head, the pain making me dizzy and I felt myself scream as the pain started to sting more and more.

Haven't you done enough?

Accept the fact that this will happen.

Haven't you made her happy? After doing that favor?

A voice rang and I closed my eyes, letting the pain engulf me completely.


(Chapter twelve)

"Mrs. Kim, I have the results for the test," I told her and sat down on my chair.

"What is it, Dr. Park?" She replied and I slid the clipboard infront of her.

"Your daughter's anxiety and depression is back," I told her and she gasped.

"What can you do about it doc?" She asked me and I paused.

"I know you'll get the wrong idea. Let's keep this a secret from her, shall we?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Anything for Minhyo," she replied and I opened my mouth to continue.

"She shares a room with me while she goes to university, maybe I can observe her," I told her and she nodded.

"My daughter rooms with you?" She replied and I nodded.

"Don't worry. I won't touch her or do anything to her unless she'll-," I said and I stopped myself before saying further.

"I have a favor, Dr. Park," she says and I reply with a hum.

"Make my daughter happy," she said and I looked at her, my eyes softening.

"She needs someone to distract her from all the shit happening. Please make her forget, give her happy moments. Please," she pleaded.

"I promise Mrs. Kim, I won't let you down.

I'll make her the happiest person alive."



I ran to the hospital and opened the doors, walking towards the front desk. The woman looked at me with a questioning stare.

"Where can I find Dr. Park Jimin?" I asked her and her eyes widened.

She was about to answer when a voice interrupted her.

"He went home," I looked at where the voice came from and I saw Dr. Kim standing there, sadness in his eyes.

"Are you sure? Did he go home already?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Thank you, Dr. Kim," I said and gave him a weak smile before running towards the exit, but not before I heard his voice again.

"Talk to him for me."


I decided to take the stairs since I have to find Jimin urgently, and tell him if this was all true.

I panted as I reached our floor, I wiped the sweat off my forehead before walking towards the room, inserting the key inside keyhole before twisting the doorknob open.

And I gasped as my heart dropped,

Jimin was on the floor, his head soaked in blood.



SoooOoo shall we go to the chapter forty eight? ;)

Don't cry imma hug you and wipe ur tears away :)

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