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"J-J-Jimin," I tried to call.

"Just a little more sweetie," he replies mischieviously.

"Really?! Giving me extra homework on a topic I don't even know exists and now you're taking me out for pizza?!" I scolded at him as we were driving on a really bumpy road downtown.

"Aw come on, you're so smart it would be a shame not to give extra homework for that big head of yours," he cooes. "And, thats what you get for throwing a slipper that almost hit me in the face, this pizza place is basically your reward."

We stopped in front of a pizza place not so far from the university.

We quickly went out of the car and went in the car.

Surprisingly, some students were also wolfing down meat lovers pizza for dinner.

"Oh, isn't that Park Jimin? That hot teacher that teaches freshman college?"

"Oh my, Mr. Park is here! Omo!"

"He's here for pizza too?

"I wonder if we have the same favorite pizza, will it be destiny?"

"Who's that girl behind him? That must be his sister, tell me its his sister!"

Thankfully, I was wearing a black mask and a black bucket hat so Jimin's fangirls won't attack me.

"Welcome to Won's Pizza, may I take your order?" The cashier smiles sweetly at us, mostly at Jimin.

"We'll take a Hawaiian pizza, please," Jimin says as he looks up at the menu above. "To go."

"Omo! Mr. Park likes pineapples on his pizza."

"I should start ordering Hawaiian pizzas starting right now.

"No, we're taking a meat lovers pizza!" I said as I interrupted him.

"No way! We're there's too much meat in that pizza!" Jimin argued.

"Well, who puts pineapples on pizza?!" I argued back

"Well too much meat might bring to tremendous weight gain, meat has lots of calories and fats, an-," he was about to continue until the manager barged in.

"Aw~ such a sweet couple," the manager says sweetly at us.

"No we're not a couple," Jimin says.

"Yeah! We're... friends," I told her.

"Oh I get it, new couples these days, how about we recommend you the Pizza Overload for you lovebirds?" The cashier said.

"Fine, we'll take that," Jimin said as he took out cash from his wallet. "And I'm paying."

He eyed me with a huge smirk on his face. "Jagi."

My eyes widened after that one word left his mouth and stared at him.

"Don't call me that, you dwarf," I shot back.

"Yah! I'm not a dwarf!" He retorted and pouted.

"Here's your order," the cashier smiled as she pushed a pizza box to Jimin.

"We'll be going now. Lets go, jagi," he smirked as I followed behind him like a lost puppy.

As we reached his car, I immediately slapped his arm.

"Hey! What was that for?" He whined.

"Stop calling me that!" I said as I felt my cheeks flush red.

"Aw, Minnie Mouse is blushing," he teased.

"Minnie Mouse?!" I glared at him.

"Yeah, Minnie for Minhyo, and Mouse because you're a stinky rat," he shot back.

"Aish! Don't make me slap your face with a slipper!" I told him as he laughed his ass out.

"Okay, okay! I'll stop!" He chuckled as he turned on the engine of his car before driving back to the dorms.

As soon as we reached the door, we started wolfing down the pizza and went to our own rooms to do our own thing.

When I was about to go to bed, a thick book fell from one of the shelves.

I sighed to myself before picking it up slowly and realised that it was really old.

Why did I bring such an old book with me?

Before I could open the book, my phone buzzed which meant someone was calling me.

I slowly approached the bedstand and took my phone, checking the caller ID.

Ari? Why is she calling so late?

I swiped right and slowly put the phone close to my ear.

"Hello?" I called.

"M-Minhyo..," she replied softly.

"Yeah? I didn't forget to visit you tomorrow just so you know that," I said calmly.

"Well, actually Minhyo....

There's also another reason why I'm going to the U.S.,"

EYEYEYEYEYE Please don't skin me alive!! I'm sorry I didn't update for so long its becuz I was busy updating Criminal, a JJK ff PLEASE PLEASE DO CHECK IT OUT!! Love u my dear potatoes!😊😊😊

---(UNEDITED)A/N: EYEYEYEYEYE Please don't skin me alive!! I'm sorry I didn't update for so long its becuz I was busy updating Criminal, a JJK ff PLEASE PLEASE DO CHECK IT OUT!! Love u my dear potatoes!😊😊😊

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