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"Ari...," I managed to say.

I was speechless

I could even hear her stuttering, shivering, as if she was jumpscared by some brown animatronic bear I always see in the video games.

"H-h-him," she managed to say.

"What him? Who him?" I replied.

I was getting frightened myself.

"I-I-," she stuttered but then the phone shut off.

"Ari?!" I screamed.

My heart thumped loudly, I was afraid, I was so dumb that I didn't run up to her when she said those things.

"Ari, please tell me whats happening," I told myself as I dialed her number again, but it failed to reach.

I swiftly put on my shoes and reached for the door until someone grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going in this hour?" Someone called grumpily.

I turned my head to meet Jimin's eyes.

"I'm going to Ari," I replied in the calmest way possible.

I'm losing my shit.

"Fine, but don't come to me if you get robbed," he said coldly as he plopped down on the couch in front of the television with a bowl of popcorn.

Gee. Whats with the change of attitude?

I rushed to her room and pounded at the door quickly with sweat trickling down my forehead.

"Yes? What can I help you in this hour?" A girl opened the door with a bit of annoyance plastered on her face.

"Where's Ari? I'm Minhyo, her bestfriend," I replied calmly.

"Lee Ari? Ari hasn't come back since after school, all her stuff's gone as well, she must have left to America early, but I guess she went early because she said she's leaving tomorrow, according to her," the girl replied as she lifted up her glasses.

"Are you sure she isn't there? She hasn't left you a single phone call?" I asked warily.

"Nope, not ever. I haven't even gotten her phone number, she didn't call in the landline either, now can you stop asking?" She replied, annoyed.

"Okay, thank you very much," I bowed before leaving.

Where is Ari? What happened to her?

I proceeded to go to my room. I was about to close the door until someone pinned me to the door.

"Where were you?" Jimin asked as he licked his lips.

Damn, stop teasing Park.

"I went to my friend's room, now will you excuse me?" I replied as I tried to push him away.

He maintained his posture as he was still glued to me.

The heck?

"Listen Jimin, I don't know why you're so moody today, how about you go and rest? Tomorrow's a school day!" I said as I managed to get him off of me and scurry to my room, shutting it and locking it.

Gee, whats with him? I must've busted a nerve there.

I decided to wash up and change into my pajamas and settle in for the night.


It was another school day when I came out of my room in my sweater and jeans.

"Good Morning, Ms. Kim," a voice startled me as I hastened my steps to the dining room.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"Why so serious? I just made you breakfast and all you do is bark at me like that? Where are your manners?" Jimin asked as he shook his head.

Dr. Park mode = activated

"Why are you so formal all of a sudden?" I asked as I sat down and started picking on my food.

"Just got a headache last night, whats wrong? People's moods change when they get headaches," Jimin replied as he buttoned the remaining buttons on his shirt.

"Listen, I've gotta go now, see you in class," I said as I stood up and headed for the door.

"Aren't you eating?" He asked.

"I'm not hungry," I replied as I walked out of the door, leaving him behind.

I started to make my way towards my classroom when I heard someone call my name.

"Ms. Kim!" Someone called.

I turned my head and met a pair of doe eyes staring into mine.

"You dropped your pencil," Jungkook said as he handed me the pencil.

"Thank you Mr. Jeon," I replied and bowed my head.

"Oh please, call me Jungkook, I might be a teacher, but we're friends," he smiled as he stood infront of me.

"Fine, see you Jungkook," I said as I started my to make my way towards the classroom.


Do you have time?"




Sooooooo JiminXMinhyo or JungkookXMinhyo? Comment down below!!

Sorry its been like 100000000 years since I've updated it but don't worry, I'll be updating more after I finish Criminal! Thank u and I purple you!💜💜💜💜💜💜

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