forty one

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At that moment, my whole world stopped.

I hung up and my heartbeat accelerated and I felt like I was suffocating.

Suddenly, the pain shot up to my head.

No, not this again.

I clutched my head and gritted my teeth as I endured it, the pain that made me wanna die.

As it subsided, I ran towards the entrance with the new set of clothes and walked towards the elevator.

After getting of the elevator, I rushed to our room. I opened it and saw Minhyo sitting on the bed, staring at the window.

"I got your clothes," I told her, my voice uneasy.

"Jimin, is everything alright?" She asks as she looks at me, concern written all over her face.

"I'm fine, wear these and we'll go back to the dorm, be quick," I tell her quickly, and she nods.


I slipped on an oversized sweater and quickly pulled up the shorts he gave me, I put on my black belt to tighten them around my small waist.

I walked out of the bathroom and Jimin stood up quickly, the keys jingling on his right hand.

"We need to go, now," he says shortly and pull my wrist gently.

He shuts the door closed and brings the keycard with him. We went to elevator and we went down to the lobby.

We checked out and he drags me to the parking lot, his grip still wrapped around my wrist as he literally shoved me inside the passenger's seat.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I ask him, completely clueless.

"I have an emergency at the hospital, we need to go back as fast as possible," he told me and started the engine.

My eyes widened and I looked towards the window. Getting completely silently. He needed to get there as fast as possible.

"I'm sorry," I suddenly said.

"For what?" He replied.

"For wasting your time, you were supposed to be at the hospital if it wasn't for me," I sighed.

"Its not your problem, don't blame yourself," he replied and swiftly back away, he exited the parking lot and he put the speed of his car in a speed that doesn't really exceed the speed limit.

He was going really fast. I could tell this emergency was urgent.

"Which patient is in emergency?" I ask him.

"Just... one of my important patients," he hesitated before telling me.

"Don't lie," I replied. "You can tell me anything."

"Its a... family member," Jimin said, this time straightforwardly.

I nodded, thinking it would be private for him. He didn't want to open up at this time so I decided to wait until he was ready.

He was turning in lefts and rights, the speed of the car increasing every minute and we finally stopped infront of the university.

"Go to the dorms, I'm going to the hospital," he swiftly said and we both got out of the car.

He locked the car before running outside the parking lot. He was going to the hospital entrance, leaving me infront of his car.

I sighed deeply and nodded to myself, walking towards the entrance of the dorms.

He needs privacy, he's a doctor and its his job. Its an urgent mission Minhyo.

I walked to the elevator and pressed the 'up'  button. I walked inside the elevator and went to our floor.

After the elevator dinged to our floor, I walked out. At the same time, I met Yoongi, who was closing our door.

"Hey Yoongi, did you finally solve it?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Yeonjun's in jail now so you don't have to worry about him anymore, I fixed everything and helped the maintenance with your room, that's why I was here since last night and I hope you don't mind," he replied.

At the same time a female officer came out, holding a walkie-talkie as she put it into her ear.

"Oh hello, you must be one of the owners here, I'm Officer Bae Soujin. I came to ask you if you would like to come to our court day tomorrow since you're the victim," she said and extended her other hand for me to shake it.

I shook her hand and smiled.

"I'll come over when I have time since I'm a student," I replied.

"I will call your mother and alert her, is that alright to you?" Soujin asked.

"Sure," I replied and she bowed politely.

"Come on Yoongi we need to go," she told the silent man beside her and he nods, following her with flushed cheeks.

I stared at him and he seemed to notice, he gulped and showed a unique gummy smile through his red cheeks.

"I kinda... uh... like her... wish me luck," Yoongi quickly said and I silently chuckled.

"Oh I'm sure, she'll want you back," I smiled at him.

"Oh, and don't think of some other stuff when we were in your room, she just came this morning looking for you," he said shyly, ruffling his silver hair.

"Its fine," I shortly replied and he waved me goodbye, in which I responded.


I was sweating, and I felt tears building up in my eyes.


"Where's mom?!"

"Dr. Park! She's... "




If you read "Criminal", a jjk ff you would be familiar with our girl Bae Soujin. But this time, in an alternate universe with Yoongi. And Yoongi likes her so this is a new twist 😂😂😂.

So the funny thing here was that I was using my Chinese zhong wen keyboard and I didn't know I was actually writing the new chapter in Chinese when I finna finished the 3rd paragraph I was like "ow fck I messed up" and redid it 😂😂😂

Srsly I'm writing a new book a idk if y'all are gonna like it or even read it :<

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