twenty one

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"Psst, wake up,"

"Its 5AM already."

"I'll kiss the frick out of you if you don't wake up,"

"You won't? Okay, then kiss it is."

My eyes shot open and I jumped out of bed. I looked quickly to my right in which where the voice came from.

My eyes met a pair of brown ones, I looked at the banana-haired man with his plump pink lips puckered up.

"I'm awake so hold that," I groggily murmured as I shoved him away.

"Get ready in thirty, we're going to the train at 7," he said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

He closed the door and it all took me a second to slam my head back onto the pillow, getting back to where I went in my dreams.

"Minhyo, I know you're still sleeping, get up or I'll strip off your clothes and bathe you myself," a voice echoed through my door.

I rose from my cozy pillow and groaned, I jumped off bed and took my towel with me before walking to the bathroom.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I walked outside with my towel wrapped around my body.

"Seriously Minhyo, I can't get enough of your curves,"

I shot up through that voice and saw a smirking Jimin leaning against the doorframe.

"Get out or I swear I'll chop your dick off and cook it so you could taste yourself," I spat as I rolled my eyes.

"Feisty, me likey," he smirked, still not budging.

I was about to throw him my slipper but he grabbed the doorknob.

"Get ready and dress nice," he winked as he closed the door.

Horny ass smurf-

I walked towards the closet and picked out a yellow sleeveless sundress. I also picked out a denim jacket.

After putting those on, I put on some white platform sneakers. I went to my dresser and brushed my hair before walking towards the door, taking my luggage and rolling it outside.

"You clean up nice Kim Minhyo," an annoying voice called out as soon as I appeared at the living room.

"Save the compliments for later midget," I snorted as I walked towards him.

But to be honest, I felt all warm when I approached him.

He adorned a yellow sweater and black skinny jeans with black combat boots.

"Lets go?" He offered as he rolled his luggage to the main door.

I nodded and followed him, we went outside and he locked the door.

"Our train will leave at seven, it is currently 5:30 so we need to get breakfast at the café nearby," he explained as he locked the door.

We took the elevator downstairs and as it let out a small ding the doors opened signalling us to get out.

As the doors opened, we encountered a familiar man in his forties, his bald head and his glasses resting on his nose.

He was a huge guy for some reason, he adorned a black suit and he eyed us intensely.

"Good Morning, Mr. Park," he let out.

"Good Morning, sir," Jimin replied, a nervous expression on his face.

"Ms. Kim Minhyo, you're early," he said as he looked towards me.

I nodded slowly as Jimin took a few steps away from me, creating a distance.

"You guys seem to be a bit.... close," he said as he looked at our outfits.

Sorry, man. Is it my problem this pee-colored midget dressed the same as me?

"Oh its just the clothes sir," he said shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Minhyo, I heard Mr. Park is on leave, Mr. Jeon will be substituting," he stated as he looked towards me.

Somehow, I couldn't feel the same way I felt towards Mr. Jeon.

"Yes, I've heard," I choked out as my gaze diverted towards Jimin.

"We need to be going now sir, I promised Minhyo I would help her get back to her hometown, I have to go with her so I could give her additional works," Jimin clearly lied as he looked towards the chubby man.

"If Minhyo is going home, then where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to Busan sir, Minhyo lives in.... Daegu," Jimin said as he looked at him.

He narrowed his eyes and cleared his throat before opening his mouth.

"Okay then, I'll see you in a few days," he said as he walked past us to the elevator.

As the doors opened, he paused, turning his head back to us.

And then I realised,

He's Mr. Shin Yeosun, the principal.





Some fishy stuff will be incoming in a few chapters! Stay tuned and purple y'all!💜💜💜💜

I'm currently writing this while my parents are driving us home srsly the traffic is hOrriBlE.

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