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"Kim Minhyo, I love you," he confesses, his arms still wrapped around my waist. He buries his face right in the crook of my neck, his hot breath fanning the neck he's been leaving hickeys on. He holds me like I'm a fragile piece, like I was gonna disappear once he lets go of me.

And this time, I had an exact answer to myself and my feelings.

"I love you too, Jimin," I replied as I released from the hug, my cheeks were redder than him.

And I didn't stutter, because I was sure.

I was sure that this time, we're gonna be real.


We both fell asleep under the moonlight and it was morning, his arms were still around me as we held each other, my head resting on his toned chest and his chin on top of my head.

My eyes fluttered open first, I looked at Jimin's face and smiled, I felt loved, and I felt home with him.

For the first time in my life, I did felt loved.

"Good morning," I told him softly and slid my hand on his cheek.

His eyes slowly opened and he smiled back, planting a kiss on my forehead as he gazes at me with his loving stare.

"Morning," he replies, still holding me.

"We need to clean up," I told him and I tried to get up but he resisted, his grip still on my waist.

"Can we cuddle? I wanna stay like this for a while," he pouts cutely his eyes crinkling as he examines my face.

He holds me close to him, not in the wild way he did last night, but this time gentle. He was cradling me in his arms like a baby, his face nested on the crook of my neck as I felt him sniff and sigh on it.

After a few minutes, he suddenly got up, straightening his back as he sits up on the bed.

"I haven't slept so well like that, in so long," he remarks as he stretches his back muscles, purposely flexing them.

He walks over to me and puts my arms around his neck, he lifts me up towards him and he carries me to the bathroom.

"Lets wash up together~," he hums as he puts me down the bathtub and turns the hot water on.

Well, after last night, he was very shameless to actually show his bare body infront of me.

After cleaning up, he helped me wipe my legs and my hair, I put on a bathrobe and he put on his black shirt and pants.

"Do you want me to get some clean clothes for you? I have some extra clothes in my car," he offers.

I nod because I can clearly remember him practically ripping off everything I had on my body.

"Let me blowdry your hair for you first," he says softly and my cheeks flush red.

Yeonjun never blowdries my hair.

He goes over to the bathroom and comes back with a huge blowdryer, he plugs it in and starts turning it on, blowdrying my hair.

He ruffles my hair around, and he smiles as he bends down towards me.

"Your hair smells amazing," he says and I can feel my ears amd neck turning red.

"Jimin," I call whlist he plays with my hair.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Does this mean.... you're my boyfriend now?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" He replies and I clear my throat.

"Real boyfriend? You know, no contract, no deal?" I ask him.

"What do you think? You love me and I love you," he replies teasingly his voice getting shy.

I smile at the thought of that. A boyfriend.


Does that mean I'm dating my teacher, my doctor, AND my roommate?

My eyes widen at the thought and I face him, my face getting hit by the hot air of the blowdryer.

"Whoops, sorry," Jimin apologizes and smiles sheepishly as he turns the blowdryer off.

I send him a glare before opening my mouth to speak.

"So I'm dating my teacher, my doctor-," I say but he cut me off.

"And roommate, yeah you are and its real. You're an adult and shit ain't stopping me from loving you," he replies as he puts the blowdryer down and exhales.

"I'm gonna go and get your clothes, wait for me, will you?" He asks me and I nod.

"I'll wait for you here."


My heart flutters when I think of her.

I walked out of the hotel and walked towards the parking lot. I went to my car and pressed the remote signalling it to unlock.

I opened the backseat of my car and take out a few extra clothes which consists of an oversized red and black striped sweater and some black men shorts.

My phone suddenly rang and I burrowed my hands in my pocket to answer it.

I look at the caller ID and it was an unknown number.

I swiped it to the green button and put it to my ear, the sound of loud wheeling and pants resonating in my ears.

"Dr. Park!" A voice rang in my ears and my eyes widened.

"Yes, Ms. Choi?" I ask the nurse.

"Your mother collapsed and is being rushed to the emergency room, we need you to come for her, she needs medical attention!"




Where can I find an aftercare king like Jimin, WHERE?!

Anyway, 10-15 chapters left and we getting full on updates on my other books potatHOES.

What's gonna happen next? ;))

What kind of author am I? I'm that author who loves drama and shit, and cliffhangers. So beat with it 😂

I'm working on my drafts for a new book and I dunno if all of you are gonna like it :<

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