thirty four

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"Hey Minhyo! What's that sticking out of your locker?" My bestfriend, Taeri asked.

"Oh, another letter? I've been getting these for days now," I mutter, taking the letter that was stuck between the door's rigged window.

I take the letter out, it was enclosed in a white, silky-textured envelope with a red ribbon wrapped around it.

I take the letter out of the envelope and open it, my eyes scanning the clean handwriting before me.

Dear Minhyo,

Your eyes are like the ocean, full of beauty and mystery, your lips are like blooming daisies, and I'm the bee, luring myself into your mysterious cavern.


"Who could this be?" I ask myself, looking around the hallway to see if anyone was there, it was currently before class, and we arrived earlier than usual.

I didn't lie when my heart skipped a beat, the words put into the letter were so honey-dripping, and beautiful.

All I saw were rushing students from the entrance, rushing to their lockers.

"It could be one of our classmates, you know," Taeri says as she looks over at me, then to the letter.

"Its been days Taeri, last month I recieved a bouquet of flowers, and last week I saw little chocolates dropped inside my locker every day, and now... this," I say as I look at the letter.

Which was the third time, that happened this week.

"Maybe someone likes you, and is planning to confess," Taeri guesses, placing a strand of black hair behind her ear.

Kang Taeri, she's my bestfriend since freshman highschool, we both had a great friendship between each other until now, we both hang out alot. Outside and inside school. It all started between a planned pairing of the two of us.

"I don't know, its my first time recieving this," I replied, placing the letter in my backpack.

"Hey Minhyo-ssi!" A voice called, a voice so familiar.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I looked at him, pushing him slightly.

"Taehyun! You're early!" I say, equally surprised as Taeri.

"My little sis wanted to be early today, mom nagged me about it," he reasoned, side-eyeing Taeri.

"Duh, mom wanted you to get your ass out of bed before eight! Because you always get up at around 7:50!" Taeri shot back.

Taehyun stuck his tongue out at Taeri and she crossed her arms, glaring at her big brother.

"Where's Yeonjun?" Taehyun asks her.

"Why are you asking me? He's your bestfriend," Taeri narrows her eyes at him.

"I was asking, and besides, you already know Yeonjun, what about you, Minhyo?" Taehyun asks as he shifts his gaze towards me, a sly grin on his face.

My whole body heated up by that name, why does he have to mention it?

"You don't have to hide that smile now, we know you like him," he grins, his funny smile on display.

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