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"Um. Hi?" I said awkwardly.

"Why so serious?" He questioned.

"Its just that... nevermind," I said as I headed to my room but someone tugged on my backpack.

"You are not going anywhere without dinner, Minhyo," Jimin said as he dragged me towards a seat.

He forced me to sit down and he sat down across from me.

I stared at him and didn't realize how ethereal he looked.

His blonde, bouncy hair that was cutely messed up, his button up was messy with the sleeves rolled up and his black dress pants.

"You done checking me out?" He asked.

I quickly dropped my stare to the plate of food that was served in front of me.

"I don't know if you'll like it or not, but I did my best," he tilted his head to the side and smiled.

I stared at the guy infront of me as I grabbed a bite of food and chewed it slowly.

"Its... good," I told him and his smile widened.

"Eat more. I don't have my clinic tomorrow so I'll be teaching," he said making me almost choke on my food.

Oh how I wish Jungkook was teaching...

Wait what?

"That means I'll get to spend more time in the classroom, and give homework," he snickered making me give him a glare.

"Excuse me you squeaky mouse-sized shoe, I have worked my butt off trying to keep up with all your stupid homework!" I fired back.

"Aww, is Minnie Mouse scared? Or are you just upset because Jungkook isn't your teacher?" He smirked.

"No, I am not!" I snarled.

"Yes you are," he said with that stupid grin on his face.

"Ohh you think like you know everything, I'm going to bed," I told him as I stood up and left the dining table, going to my room.

After I shut the door of my room, I proceeded to place my bag on the chair and head to the shower.

After showering, I sat on my desk and opened my books.

As I was in the middle of doing my homework, my phone suddenly rang.

I looked at the caller ID and saw it was unknown.

I answered it with curious eyes before putting it on my ear.

"Hello?" I called.

"I know you," a voice said before it was suddenly hung up, making me arise in confusion.

What? Who is this and how does he know me?

Goosebumps started rising in me and fear started to invade me as I quickly went out of the room and went to the living room but no one was there.

I need someone, fast. But who?

My heart was beatung loudly and I could feel cold sweat on my forehead.

My eyes directed towards..

Jimin's room.

I slowly approached it and knocked on it, slowly hearing faint footsteps approaching me.

The door swinged open revealing a topless Jimin in boxers and fuzzy slippers.

"What do you want?" He asked in a straight voice.

"C-can I...

Sleep with you tonight?"

His eyes widened a bit and his jaw started hanging, I was equally as shocked as him and mentally slapped myself for saying that.

"Uu-hm, fine," he replied as he opened the door wider making me go inside.

I went inside and the familiar scent still hit me.

He slowly went to his humidifier and turned it off, making me look at him.

"Don't turn it off, I like it," I smiled at him.

"Usually, the hyungs who come in my room don't like peppermint scents, so I turn it off," he explained as he turned it on again.

"I'll just sleep on the floor though," I told him at him.

"No, you sleep on the bed, I sleep on the floor," he said making me shake my head.

"Nono! I take the floor," I argued.

"How about we both share the bed? Nothing will happen between us, right?" He asked.

Yeah Minhyo, atleast nothing will happen.


Lets sleep together then,"




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