forty six

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"Would the victim like to speak up?" The judge asked and I stood up, nervous.

Yeonjun was at the center podium, his back facing the judge and he was in orange jumpsuits, he had handcuffs on his wrists and he waited for my answer.

"Is it true, Ms. Kim, did he sexually harrass and torment you?" The judge asked.

"Y-yes your honor," I replied nervously and the press gasped, quickly typing it down in a flash.

"I heard he's your ex-boyfriend," the judge said and I nodded.

Yeonjun looked back at me, his cheek was bruised and he just gave me that blank stare.

"Are there any cases, Officer Min?" The judge asked Yoongi who was beside him in a lower podium.

"Sexual harrassment, rape attempt, destruction of one's property, tresspassing, and thats about it, and not to mention he disrespected his teacher," Yoongi replied as he scanned through the files.

"What about the evidence, Officer?" The judge asked.

"As spoken from the victim, I have taken photos and identified of the thumbprints and footprints of the suspect in the room by scanning it and a surveillance camera footage of him sneaking into the dorms," Yoongi answered, sliding proof infront of the judge.

"And your honor, the victim has been under this man's harrassmant ever since he tranferred schools with her, don't you think thats stalking?" Mom's lawyer spoke up.

"Then, this man is guilty! Send him to jail! 15 year sentence for him!" He hollered and I heard the press mumble to one another before typing it down.

The cops suddenly forced him to stand up, both of them escorting Yeonjun out of the court and it went silent.

"You are free to go, Ms. Kim," I heard the faint voice of Soujin, she patted my back and I gathered my stuff, walking to my mother who was behind me.

"Come on, I need to go and drop you off, I have to go to your grandmother after this, she's been a wreck after she heard the news," she said and hugged me tightly.

I nodded and waved goodbye at Soujin, and thanked Yoongi before going out with mom.

I looked back at them for the last time and saw Yoongi's hand creeping up towards Soujin's hand... which Soujin chuckled at.




I huddled up into a ball, hugging my knees to my chest as I sobbed hard, the darkness of the room engulfing me as I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks. I felt my body go numb and I was pulling my blonde hair, screaming silently and crying as hard as I could.

All I could do was pray.

Because I know my mom is strong, she'll get out of this and it'll all be normal.

Yeah Jimin, everything will be fine.

Seokjin knows what he's doing.


"Scalpel," I said and pulled my hand out to the nurse beside me, in which I felt a heavy metal on my hand.

I took it silently and started to use operate her heart, it has been hours, I opened her chest successfully and started to treat her valves.

Then suddenly, the heart that was beating,


"Doctor! The monitor!" One of the nurses said and my eyes widened, the life monitor beside her displayed a line of beeping.

I panicked, this was the first time a patient died on me.

"Open chest defibrillation! Now!" I yelled at the nurse and she quickly took them, handing them to me.

"Quick!" I said as I placed it on her weak and pale body.

The monitor was still beeping.

"One more time!" I said and turned it to a more higher level.

And thankfully, the monitor started to go to its normal state again.

Thank God, she'll be alive.


I was still crying, sobbing my heart out like I've been shot with a million bullets, I've been in this place for hours now, and I want to go home, wrap my arms around Minhyo, and cry.

I was leaning against a wall, my legs all huddled up as I tried my best to not let a tear slip out of my eye again. I felt like my whole world is shattering.

Suddenly, the door opened and I felt light streak into my eyes, blinding me when a figure stepped in.

The nurse was there, her bottom lip quivering as she looked at me.

I stood up, wiping the tears away from my cheeks and I managed to let out my voice even though I have no energy left.

"H-how's my mother?" I asked her, and she paused, staring at me with hesitation.

"Your mother....

She didn't make it."



SoooOoo we have around a few chapters left!

Please stay safe especially the US-potatoes! Please pray to God and stay safe wash your hands and wear your masks all the time :) ✊ we can do this together with God's glory :3

I'm just gonna be a potatHOE I am and leave y'all in this cliffhanger.

Anyway, I think there would be part 1 and part 2 chapters in chapter 47 and 49 (?) So look forward to that!

Purple y'all!💜💜💜

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