thirty nine

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"U-under my shirt," I say, it barely came out as a whisper.

I felt his hand under my shirt, my eyes shutting closed.

"Which part?" He whispered, nestling his chin on the crook of my neck.

"Right waist," I answer.

Because if I don't answer, he'll just keep bugging me, and maybe... he'll hate me. In fact, I'm scared of him right now.

He licked the the bruised side of his lip and planted a kiss on the crook of my neck, his hand under my shirt making me feel all warm.

"Where else?" He asks softly.

"He kissed me, on my forehead," I keep answering, mentally blaming my big mouth.

His other hand went up to the back of my head, his head disappearing from the crook of my neck to the crown of my forehead.

He planted a kiss with his plump lips, and I felt myself go soft, it was far more better compared to the kiss Yeonjun gave me. It made me feel fuzzy and wet for some unknown reason.

His collarbone was glistening with sweat under the moonlight, the silver necklace with a black rose gleaming and his blonde hair was glowing under the moonlight, his plump rosy lips turned red as he licked them again, his tongue running over his bottom lip.

That rose.... its familiar...

"And?" He asks, his voice dripping with honey.

Then, he suddenly brought out his leg, leaning it in towards my thigh and I lost balance, letting myself fall.

I was in complete awe of him.

My back came in contact with something soft and it was the bed.

He unbuttoned his black shirt and threw it to the side, he ruffled his blonde hair, making it messy and his abs were so rigged and toned as he hovered over me, both of his arms trapping me.

He placed his lips on mine, soft-nipping and he's nibbling on my bottom lip, making me give out a few whimpers.

He gives a sign for permission, and I let him. His tongue exploring the caverns of my mouth as his hands travel under my shirt.

His lips start travelling down the crook of my neck and he leaves soft kisses on it and nibbles on the sensitive spots near my earlobe, making me gasp softly.

He reaches his arms out and takes my shirt off, my bare skin finally coming in contact with him.

It was an instinct to cover myself infront of him, I was ashamed he would get a turn off from how imperfect my body is.

It had a few scars and stretch marks, and I felt ashamed I couldn't let myself out to him.

He lifts his head from my neck and takes my arms, pinning them above my head and wrapping both of them tight with his hand.

"You're beautiful, every imperfection of you turns me on even more," he whispers seductively.

"You will never know, what your stupid ex has been missing on," he continues as his gaze scans around my body, his eyes full of lust.

"I told you once, I'll cherish you if you won't cherish yourself," he says as he unclips my bra and slides them off with his teeth.

And he starts to undo his jeans and boxers, and before I knew it, we were both naked, his hands all over me, making me forget the idea of a person I despised, his lips making sure he has marked every inch of me, and I run my fingers on his hair as he fulfills that promise he gives me.

I felt a slight twist of pain, and I felt my whole innocence disappear into thin air as he shushes me, taking his sweet time slowly, so I can get used to him.

He whispered sweet nothings and encouragement, he kisses me softly and he smiles at me seductively, his eyes reflecting me in it.

And that is... real love...

I've come to realise that I've been chasing a wrong guy, and I never knew he was there for me all along.

Our moans and slight gasps and groans engulf the room, the atmosphere was thick with sexual tension and he laid beside me the duvet covering both of our bare bodies as he wraps his arm around my waist.

He puts his chin on top of my head and I rested my head against his chest, leaning myself and letting his body heat cover me.

"Did I get him off your mind?" He asks me, his soft and melodic voice resonating my ears.

"Yeah," I replied briefly, getting exhausted.

"Minhyo," he begins.

"Yeah?" I whisper.

"What does this make us?" He asks me, he takes his chin off from my head and faces me, his eyes staring into mine.

And I could say he looked hot, his blonde hair was sticking to his sweaty forehead as he bites his bottom lip, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know, its up to you," I told him and he smiles a bit.

"Kim Minhyo, I am completely heads over heels for you, you'll never know how I feel when I'm with you," he finally says it and he hugs me into his chest, his cheeks were flushed red as he hugs me tightly. His heartbeat was faster than racecars.





Hey! YOU! Yes YOU! This book is NOT over yet we still have more chapters in store and its more INTENSE than this! Put that memory in mind the chapters are until CHAPTER 50-55 because the plot here is NOT COMPLETED yet, so yes! Continue reading!

Did you enjoy the slight sexy zmut? ^_^ I know its not that big of a smut because I DON'T WRITE SMUT LIKE GO WATCH PORNHUB IF YOU WANNA SEE FULL SMUT. I get really uncomfortable when I read my own smut it seems like I feel sorry for myself lol anyway please understand I'm still a virgin and I don't know what people do during seX liKe i dOn'T wAnnA kNoW aBoUt iT I'm sTilL yOuNg. (I suck as a smut author and thats on period) (and nO don't even think of thinking I have a boyfriend >_<)

I made it as innocent as I could because I see 12 years olds and 11 year olds reading this book like plEaSe, hAve mErcy oN yOuR iNnOcEnCe.

I was listening to Jin and RM'S "Trouble" while writing to this don't ask wHy i'M nOt iNnOcEnt like omg Jin's moans-

What is your favorite era of Jimin? Tell me!

Idk if this is an era or not but when they where in MAMA 2017 his wet look is the most daddy thing I have ever seen.

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