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Me and Jimin ended up playing rock, paper, scissors to see who gets the right and the left side.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Jimin exclaimed as he threw a rock and I threw a scissors.

"I win!" He said and smiled.

"Where do you want to sleep?" I asked him.

"I would take both, so you can sleep on my lap," he smirked and I furrowed my brows at him.

"Be serious! I'm sleepy!" I told him.

"Fine, left side," he sighed.

I crawled to the side of the bed before making my back face him.

"Aw, come on, you are no fun," he groaned as he tried to make me face him.

"What about you? You perverted banana-haired smurf," I mumbled as I tried to close my eyes.

"Hey! I'm not perverted," he fired back.

"Oh really? Then whats with that porn magazine on the floor?" I told him and his cheeks flushed in embarassment.

"Um-m, thats... Taehyung's a-h," he stuttered and my eyes flashed in mischief.

Gotcha, doc.

"Oh really?" My voice squeaked.

"Ugh fine, guys have needs too," he admitted.

"But seriously, you never had a girlfriend which makes you this needy in your entire life?" I asked him.

"I've had numerous girlfriends, they're just... not that sexually active," he said.

"So you're saying that they're bad in bed," I told him.

"Well, as you can say," he sighed.

I shrugged it off as my eyes became weary, causing me to fall into a deep sleep.


I woke up at 6 AM in the morning. It was sunrise and I slowly got up amd looked around, reminscing the time where I chose to sleep in Jimin's room.

I looked to the empty spot that was supposed to be Jimin's.

I got up and slowly moped to my bedroom to take my towel and start taking a shower to prepare for the new school day ahead of me.

After showering, I went to tbe dining room to see Jimin making breakfast as usual.

"Good Morning Minhyo," he said without looking at me.

"Morning," I replied.

I sat down and started eating my breakfast, Jimin sat across me and read the newspaper, sipping his coffee.

"Hey Jimin, can you check my homework out to see if its correct or not?" I asked him and he glanced at me before looking back to hus paper.

"We'll see about that when we arrive in class," he replied plainly.

Gee, whats with his cold attitude again?

After breakfast, I bid goodbye to Jimin and he replied with a short hum.

I went to the elevator when someone called my name.

"Minhyo-ssi!" I turned my head to meet Jungkook's figure walking towards me.

"You dropped your homework," he told me which made me take it from him.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Jeon," I replied.

We boarded the elevator together and Jungkook broke the silence slowly.

"I won't be your substitute teacher every Thursday since Jimin hyung doesn't have any clinic duty today," he said softly.

"Its okay," I replied shortly as the elevator ringed, signalling the stop.

"I'll be stopping here Mr. Jeon, my classroom is here," I said as Mr. Jeon was left inside.

"Okay, take care Minhyo-ssi," he smiled as the elevator closed.

I looked around and started heading towards the classroom.

As I was walking I bumped into a group of girls wearing dark makeup and terribly short skirts, their hair curled and sprayed in different colors, and their hair dyed in different colors.

"Out of the way, you skunk!" One of them said in a high-pitched voice before the nudged me and headed to the girl's bathroom.

I got curious a but and went to the side of the bathroom where they can't see me and I heard voices.

"Jimin oppa will definitely like this new shade of liptint I bought yesterday."

"Oh oh, I saw Jiminie oppa glance at me yesterday, I think he likes me~"

"I should definitely tell mommy about him, then he'll be our family doctor!"

I shrugged off that dusgusting feeling and made my way towards the classroom.

I entered the room and started sitting down on my seat.

5 more minutes until class starts.

I opened my homework and started rechecking it until the bell rang, and Jimin stepped inside.

"Good Morning class, before I start, we have a new student," he announced which made everyone arose in curiousity.

A figure entered and his hair was hazel brown, neatly combed, and his skin was a light tan.

And he is quite a looker.

"Will you please introduce yourself?" Jimin asked.




I was going to complete amd publish this yesterday but I got a terribly high fever so I couldn't type very well. Thank you potatoes for being so patient! Purple y'all!💜💜💜💜

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