forty seven pt.1

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"What?!" I yelled and she flinched.

"Your mother.... she didn't make it..," she said, her voice softer.

"Why?! What happened?!" I managed to say, my voice cracked, and my heart shattered.

"Dr. Seokjin... he said her body couldn't handle it," she explained and I shoved her out of the way, running towards the operation room.

I didn't know what I was feeling. This feeling of anger and sadness filled me up as I ran with hot tears streaming down my eyes.

I ran towards Seokjin and grabbed him by the collar, making him face me.

"Hyung! Where is my mother?!" I grit out to him.

"J-Jimin," he replied, his voice unsure.

"Tell me!" I say, my voice louder as I managed to use the bit of energy for my voice.

"I'm sorry...," he said and paused, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Y-your mother couldn't handle the pressure exerted in her body, resulting to her death," he spoke lowly and I used all the force to push him away and let go of his collar, sending him to the ground.

"If only you never obliged to such shitty rules, she would be alive!" I yell before turning my heel and running towards the side, leaning myself against the wall.

I found myself crouching down and crying so hard, my sobs and yells resonating the empty halls.

"Why... why can't I even make things right?!" I say as I grab my  hair drenched in sweat, messing it all up.

Haven't you done enough?


"I'll see you mom," I told her before exiting the car.

"Take care of yourself," she says and I nod at her before showing a soft smile.

As I watched her car drove farther and farther to the distance, I sighed deeply, walking back to the apartment, hoping Jimin would be home anytime soon.

I entered the elevator and pressed the button going up, waiting for it to go down to my floor.

As I waited, I noticed a figure beside me, wearing a brown coat and a sweater.

"Minhyo, I haven't seen you in class today," a voice startled me and I looked up to his face.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry. I was at court and you heard the news-," I said but he cut me off.

"Yes I heard and its my fault, I shouldn't have trusted Yeonjun," Jungkook replied and knitted his brows together.

"Its not your fault," I say and the elevator dinged, we both entered before I could continue.

"Its could be Yeonjun's fault. You didn't know about me and him, and you looked at him as a normal classmate of mine," I explained and he nodded.

"But I hope you're okay, it's traumatising to imagine the past bring back to you," he said and his eyes softened.

"Yeonjun and I never had a past to begin with," I huffed and the elevator rang signalling the both of us at the 3rd floor.

"This is my floor, I wish you good days with Jimin," he said before walking off.

"I will, thank you," I replied as the doors closed and I saw him smile at me for a moment.

I waited for the elevator to go to my floor, as it rang, I walked out of it and made my way to my room.

I unlocked the room and walked inside, looking around for any sign of Jimin. The room felt empty without him.

"Jimin?" I called but no one responded.

I pulled out my phone and tried calling him, but he wouldn't answer it.

What's wrong with him?

I walked to the bedroom and closed it before placing my bag on the table and I saw a glimpse of brown under my bed.

Oh right, the brown case.

I took it and sat on the bed, placing it on my lap.

It seemed old and it wasn't so heavy. I looked for a zipper and I zipped it open before looking inside.

They were a bunch of papers, each covered with black, blotted ink.

I took it and examined it, my eyes curiously landing on the signature that was smudged as if it was signed a long time ago.

Then I read one of the notes.


Patient's Name: Park Jimin

Age: 10

Date issued: April 05, 2007

Sickness/Reason of appointment:

Final Conclusion:

Bipolar Disorder and Brain Aneurysm




A brain aneurysm is a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain. It often looks like a berry hanging on a stem.

A brain aneurysm can leak or rupture, causing bleeding into the brain (hemorrhagic stroke)

SoooOo more chapters needed indeed ;)

Anyway, imma post the pt. 2 in a few hours or tomorrow so don't worry :)


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