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I gawked at the professor standing infront of me.

"Good morning class," he smiled widely.

He had a white button up, and black pants with black shoes.

"Welcome to a new school year, I'm your teacher, Park Jimin," he introduced.

Wait, so I'm gonna see his face all day?!

"Oh! Looks like we've got a new student, please introduce yourself," he pointed at me as if he didn't know me.

Psh, stop acting Park.

"I'm Kim Minhyo, 19 years old, and I'm happy to be here," I introduced.

"Its nice to have you here, Minhyo, now everyone, please take out your books and turn to page four, "An Introduction to Nursing"," he instructed and straightened his glasses.

I took out my book when he cleared his throat.

"Ms. Kim, would you like to read the first paragraph?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him and he looked back.

He kept a straight face and nodded at me.

"Now Ms. Kim, I don't want this kind of stubborness in my class, read it or detention," Jimin said strightforwardly while approaching my table.

"You don't want to get special detention don't you?" He whispered and smirked.

"But I thought we don't get detention, we're in university," I whispered back.

"Thats the problem, because its only for you," he replied, winking.

I stood up and shot him a glare before reading the first paragraph.

"Nursing, an important course in the medical world. Nurses are a footstep to being a doctor. There are lots of types of nurses...," I began.

"Thank you, you may sit down," Jimin replied.

I sat down and listened to his awfully boring discussion.


"Now class, since I have clinic duties in the afternoon, you'll have your substitute teacher for today," Jimin continued as he fixed his shirt. "I'll see you all tomorrow."

The bell finally rang and I dashed out of the classroom when I suddenly bumped into someone.

I fell down on my knees along with the stack of books and looked up to see a guy slowly crouching down at me.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I stared at him and he had doe eyes, brown hair, glasses, a white button up like Jimins, and he had and ID hanging on his neck.

He reached his hand towards me.

"I-I'm alright," I replied and took his hand.

"You're a student right? I can see from your uniform," he smiled.

"Yes, and you must be a teacher," I replied with an embarrasing tint on my ears.


Jeon, Jeon Jungkook"

"I'm Kim Minhyo sir, nice to meet you," I immediately said and bowed.

"You're a doctor too right?" I asked.

"Well, I'm still training," Jungkook replied as I slowly helped him with his books.

"I'll see you around, Minhyo," he said and turned his back to the direction he went.

"Bye Mr. Jeon," I replied.


It was already after lunch and we finally had to wait for our long awaited substitute teacher.

Footsteps nearing, the door clicking, and a few books on his hand.

I finally recognized who the teacher was.

Mr. Jeon Jungkook

"Hello, I'm Mr. Jeon, your sub teacher for this afternoon! Mr. Park is in clinic duty so I'll be taking over his class," he continued.

"Too bad, Mr. Park's absent, but this guy is also a hottie!" A student whispered to her friend.

"Yeah, who knew there were so many cute guys in this school,"

"Omo! This guy is as hot as Jimin,"

"Did you hear? I heard he's only 2 years older than us! He's 21!"

Looks like I'm the only girl who doesn't join their unwanted gossips.

Jungkook spotted me by the crowd and winked before starting his lesson.


The bell finally rang and finally have the time to study at the library for the stupid assignment Park Booty Jimin gave us.

I finally reached the library and sat at the farthest seat while scanning my notes.

"Minhyo," someone called my name.

I turned my head to meet Ari, who was seated close by.

"Hey Ari," I whispered.

She slowly approached me with a hurt expression as if she has some bad news.

"I have something to tell you," she said as she sat beside me.

"What is it?" I replied.

"I-I.... don't be mad, okay?" She replied.

"Of course I won't, why wouldn't I?" I said and faced her.


My dad is sending me to the States to continue my studies, I'm sorry but I have to drop out from this university," she said with her head hung low.

"A-Ari, its f-fine, I undertand how your dad wanted you to go to the States," I weakly said and patted her shoulder.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, please come and bid me," she said as a tear escaped her eye.

"Of course I'll come," I replied.



Now my bestie is leaving me for the States. This is gonna be one boring college life. Its like the first day of school, so I think she might get a refund on her tuition.

Lee Ari, the daughter of the richest man in the city, her stepmother is American so that might be one of the reasons why she had to go.

It was 6 pm when I finally reached the dorms and was about to knock on the door.


I heard noises?



Dr. Jagiya's reads are increasing everyday! I'm so proud! :)))


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