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I looked behind me and Jimin did the same too. My eyes widened as I found this unknown woman.

Wait, isn't she my cooking class teacher?

"Oh, Sohye, what brings you here?" Jimin asked as he snaked his arm around my waist.

"I was wondering, would you like to come for dinner?" She giggled as she twirled a portion of her hair with her finger.


"Um, actually Minhyo and I... we're busy, so we'll be out," Jimin replied.

"Kim Minhyo? You're dating Park Jimin? But student-teacher relationships aren't allowed!" Ms. Jung said as she crossed her arms, eyeing me.

"Yes, but Minhyo is 19, which is an age for a young adult," Jimin shot back.

"I see, so Kim Minhyo, are you willing to date him?" Ms. Jung replied.

"Actually Ms. Jung, I don't mind dating a teacher," I shrugged.

Ms. Jung scrunched up her face as she stomped away like she was slapped or something.

"Don't worry, that Sohye has some problems, I'll talk to her," Jimin said as he scratched his head, chuckling.

"So that means.... you like Ms. Jung?" I asked as I turned to look at his now shocked face.

"Wait, thats not what I meant," Jimin said as he grabbed my arm but I pulled my arm back.

"You said you wanted to talk to her," I said as I walked away with him following me.

"No, you were smiling too!"

"No I wasn't!"

"Nu uh, Mr. Park Jimin, I kn-," I shot back but I suddenly bumped into someone's hard chest.

I waited for my body to hit the cold, hard ground but it never did.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a boy with dark chocolate brown hair staring at me centimeters from my face.

"A-are you alright?" He asked.

I was getting lost at the brown orbs that stared at me but then I realised.

It was his brown orbs.

I pushed myself off him but I stumbled back in which Jimin caught me just in time.

"Yeonjun, what the heck are you doing here?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Nothing, I was going to class, and what are you doing?" Yeonjun asked as he looked back at me.

Jimin suddenly embraced me, my head crashing with his chest.

"And you're Mr. Park Jihyun, right?" He asked as he eyed the male.

"Its Jimin, and me and my girlfriend are on our way to class as well," he said.

"Boyfriend? Mr. Park's your boyfriend now? What a surprise! Its been a freaking year, will you stop hoeing around now? Or haven't you moved on yet?" He asked sarcastically.

"H-," Jimin replied but I beat him to it.

"Hoeing around?! Yeonjun, I worked my ass off just so this relationship could work! You were the one hoeing around!" I shot back.

"Excuse me? You were so desperate ever since we broke up, when I recieved the news you were depressed, I was freaking worried!" He argued.

"Worried? You never worried for me Yeonjun, not even when we were in a relationship, and now, I would do the same to you," I said as tears filled my eyes, I walked away with Jimin following me.

"Minhyo, are you alright?" Jimin asked with his brows furrowed.

A lone tear left my eye but I wiped it away, looking at Jimin who was now infront of me.

"Its okay now, shush," he whispered as he silently embraced me, his arms snaking around my waist as he placed his chin on the top of my head, swaying us.

We were silently hugging at the abandoned hallway, no one comes here except when its for laboratory reasons.

I silently sobbed into his chest and after I was done, I released the hug.

"Thank you, Jimin," I smiled at him.

"You're welcome," he replied as he  smiled sweetly at me, his blonde hair shining as the sunlight reflected it.

He wrapped his fingers around my wrist as we walked towards the classroom.

But I felt something in my head, something thats eating me up inside.

Something thats silently creeping up in me.

"Jimin?" I called.

He hummed at the call of his name.

"Could it be?" I said.


"Am I still inlove with him?"




Hokay this bouta get hot in a few chapters.

Anyway, thank y'all for reading! Purple y'all!💜💜💜

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