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He kissed me

He really kissed me

I still felt his lips lingering towards mine and I shrugged at how cringy could that be.

I paced around my room and looked at the ceiling, then to the half-packed luggage at the side of my room.

Should I even go with him?

Tomorrow is the trip to Busan. I sighed as I slowly walked towards it.

Well, he did help me with almost everything, even risked his career because of me.

I exhaled slowly and knelt down the floor, opening the luggage and placing in my additional and personal neccessities.

Jimin told me we would be gone for 4 day and 3 night trip. He said that he'll deal with the absences I have at class.

After packing everything, I stood up and dragged the luggage near the door, since we would be leaving early tomorrow.

I decided to go to the kitchen and pack some ramen cup noodles so we wouldn't starve on the trip.

Knowing Jimin, he'd pack apple slices and granola bars.

I slowly opened the door and peeped my head to look at the wall clock outside.

11 PM. Jimin's alseep right now.

I sighed deeply and looked around the empty hallway before walking outside and closing the door, making it give out a click sound.

I tiptoed towards the living room and then towards the kitchen where I leaned against the small wall.


I walked towards the kitchen counter and went on my tiptoes to reach for the cupboard. Sadly, my small little hands can't reach it.

I pouted and decided to get a chair, I turned my head and I suddenly came across a pair of brown eyes.

Oh no.

He was looking intensely at me, his tongue ran over his bottom moist lip as he stared down at me, making me look small.

Did I mention he was ten centimeters taller than me?

"Minhyo," my name left his lips, his eyes not leaving mine.

"J-Jimin," I spoke out.

He raised his arm and slowly placed it on the handle of the cupboard behind me, he opened it and gave the cup of ramen towards me.

"I was going to get a glass of water, never knew I'd see you here, in nothing but a white shirt," he whispered to my ear as the last part came out more.... seductive.

My eyed widened and I felt a blush creeping on my cheeks and neck, I felt as if I was naked and he was the only one observing me.

His arms trapped me as he smirked at my reaction.

"Pervert! Get away from me," I scoffed as I pushed his chest, but he didn't budge.


I'm sorry."

Sorry? What is he sorry for?

"What are you sorry for?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry for kissing you without permission," he said, looking anywhere except me.

"Why would you kiss me in the first place?" I asked him, crossing my arms.




"Oh, so this is Minhyo?" The girl asked as she clung to Yeonjun's arm.

They were walking towards us, a few steps left before they stop infront of us. We couldn't walk away, our two feet were planted to the ground.

I had to do the most positive way to get Yeonjun and his side hoe away from us before Minhyo breaks down.

She's already suffered enough.

I immediately grabbed her shoulders to face me, I took the time to glimpse at her eyes.

Clueless, confused, mixed, and empty.

I closed my eyes before pulling her towards me, grabbing her face and slamming her lips into mine.

"They're having a moment," Yeonjun mumbled.

"Okay, it is time for the movie to show anyway," the girl replied as they walked towards the other direction after witnessing it.

After they were a few steps away from us, I released the kiss and looked her into the eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

All she did was give small nod and unlimited "yes", her eyes never leaving the floor.


"I didn't want Yeonjun to come near you," I muttered, only for her to hear.

"We could've done something else, like running away," she replied.

"I tried to drag you, you didn't move a muscle," I said.

"Okay? Are we done here? I need to go to bed, we're leaving early tomorrow," she said and pushed me away, successfully breaking free.

"You're still going?" I questioned while looking into her figure.

Huge white shirt and black shorts. Sexy.

"Yes, why not? I owe  you," she smiled sweetly and headed towards her room.

Damn Minhyo,

You'll never know how your lips taste like.




Y'all need to stop calling Minhyo, y/n. She has a name and its KIM MINHYO.

Please vote! You'll become a potato with clear skin ;)

Sorry, I'm Y/N's biggest enemy.😂😂😂

Wow 20 chapters! And on top of that, we get a high ranking in the fanfiction category! 💜

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