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"Date me Minhyo,"


Did my ears just go haywire?

Park Jimin, this messy, hot man infront of me in nothing but sweatpants wants me to date him.

"You heard me, date me," he repeated as he looked in my eyes.

"Mr. Park, dating is not necessary right now," I replied.

"But, we won't be real," he continued, searching some light in my eyes.

"J-Jimin," I said.

"If we date, your ex won't bother you anymore," he whispered in my ear.

"What?" I said with my eyes wide.

"And also, its a win-win situation between you and I," he continued.

"But-," I said.

"No buts, we start tomorrow, and don't ever think about what the other students would think, because I'm sure they will get it from me," he said before walking away.

I stood there in a loss of words.

"Oh, and if anything slips from that mouth of yours about our agreement, you won't be able to walk for a week," he said as his eyes darkened.

He closed the door before I could say anything.

My mouth was opened wide, I wanted to scream.

This freaking hot doctor.

I rushed to his door and banged on it as loudly as I could.

"Park Jimin! I didn't sign up for this! I need a contract! We need a contract! I don't even know how to kiss a guy!" I banged loudly and the door swung open revealing a pissed off Jimin.

"Kiss? You never kissed your boyfriend before?" He asked.

"No I don't! In fact, he wants to kiss my lips during our wedding!" I replied.

"Now I know why he left you," he snickered making me kick his upper balls.

"Ouch! Okay I'm sorry! Fine, lets have an agreement," he sighed as he opened the door wider for me to enter.

I walked in and sat on his bed. Damn bed, much fluffier than mine. Hmp.

"So, what agreement?" I asked.

"Well, we have to agree that we have to act like a couple, okay?"  He said.

"No kissing, no hugging, no lovey-dovey-yucky stuff," I replied.

"Seriously? And how will people know we're a couple?!" He raised his voice.

"Of course, hold my hand and stare at me," I scoffed.

"Unbelievable," he sang.

"Now tell me, why do we have to date?" I asked him.

"Because we have one person we want to get away from, so yeah," he said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Really?" I asked with my eyes wide.

"Really," he replied.

"But seriously Minhyo, I need help," he sighed.

"What help?"

"My mom wants me back in Busan, and I also hate seeing that ugh girl with her," he explained.

"So you're saying, we date, you win, I win?" I repeated.

"Yeah, so if you date me, Yeonjun is getting out of your life, if I date you, my mom will stay away," he said as he combed his hair back with his hands.

"So is it a deal, or a no deal?" He asked, making my lips form into a thin line.

I mean, he wouldn't have Park Jimin the hot teacher as your boyfriend? I mean, he's successful, smart, and kind. I'm sure a few weeks of pretending wouldn't hurt at all.

"How long?" I asked.

"Two months, so it wouldn't be suspicious," he replied after thinking a bit.

I thought for a while, thinking of the advantages and the disadvantages.

"Just date him, nothing would go wrong, its for the benefit of both of you."

"Fine, deal," I said and his eyes glistened.

"Of course, who wouldn't resist such a hot daddy like me?" He said as he smiled like some doofus.

"Shut up! Its just for us! And who would call you a hot daddy when you are clearly a sexually frustrated minion who wants to have a fake girlfriend?" I rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me, I have needs and everyone calls me hot sooo," he scoffed.

"Hot? More like cold," I mocked.

But it was clearly a mistake as I was suddenly pushed on the bed making me gasp. My arms were pinned above my head.

"Then I'll make you say it," he smirked.

"What?" I replied.

"I'll prove to you that I'm a hot daddy," he whispered in my ear.

I stayed frozen, I didn't know whether I should kick his balls, ot just stay there or even talk back to him.

But there was this force in my body that made me stay put under him.

"You don't know how to kiss, right?" He grinned.

"Then I'll show you how to kiss, or maybe more than that. You know you should never walk into a guy's room, cuz you don't know what will happen,"




OMG horny Chim on the loose I repeat put him back in his leash before Minhyo screams :O

Thank you for 100k reads!! Purple y'all potatoes!💜💜💜

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