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my eyes widened.

Why am I feeling this sharp pain in my chest?

Wait Jimin, she's your student, your freaking fake girlfriend.

I looked towards her who was sitting on her desk, silently scribbling notes like an eight-year old.

"Minhyo, can you discuss where the brain recieves information?" I asked.

She hesitated a bit, before standing up, looking like an emotional wreck.

After giving her answer she sits down, still scribbling.

I wonder whats in her mind right now.


The school bell rung signalling that class was already finished, I was about to walk outside when someone called my name.

"Kim Minhyo, stay please," Jimin said montonously which made me turn my head at him.

"Yes, Mr. Park?" I asked.

"Would you like to go to the movies?" He asks.

"When?" I asked.

"Tonight," he replied quickly.


"We won't be long, Ms. Kim," he replied.

I sighed.

Whats the use of arguing with this guy?

I nodded before he nodded back with a small grin.

"Oh, and we're going to Busan tomorrow, don't forget," he said before walking out the classroom, leaving me alone.

Whats with him? Being so cold all of a sudden?

I walked out of the room and decided to go to the rooftop for a while, I don't know, I just needed to go there, even though I'm not a fan of heights.

I walked upstairs and reached the rooftop, I went to an area with no people and looked towards the view infront of me.

The urge to jump.

I sighed and restrained myself before walking to my dorm a few halls away from the rooftop.

As I reached the dorm, I opened it and saw Jimin sprawled on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"You better get ready, movie starts at 8," he said, not even sparing a glance towards me.

I moped myself towards my room and plopped my bag down before grabbing my towel and taking a long shower.

After I was done, I went to my closet and picked out a red oversized sweater and some shorts, I placed on my sneakers and socks before heading outside.

I walked to the living room to see Jimin dressed casually, he dressed in a yellow hoodie and some black skinny jeans and shoes.

"Lets go," he said and wrapped his arm around waist before heading outside and towards his car.

I went inside the passenger seat while Jimin placed himself in the driver's seat.

"What movie would you like to watch?" He asks.

"I don't know, whats new anyway?" I asked.

"Frozen 2," he replied.

"Sure, lets watch that," I said.

He parked the car near the cinema house and we went outside the buy our tickets.

"Two tickets to Frozen 2, please," he told the cashier.

"Oh, are you guys a lovely couple," the elder woman said as her smile crinkled her eyes.

"Ah yes, we've been together, for how many months now babe? 11 months?" He said as he smirked at me.

Wait? Babe?

"So cute, here you go, enjoy the movie!" The woman said as she gave Jimin the tickets.

"Lets go," Jimin said as he wrapped his fingers around mine.

We went towards the snacks area and Jimin ordered a large bowl of popcorn and two sodas.

"I'll take some from you," he said as we walked towards the cinema.

We gave our tickets to the usher and we seated ourselves at the upper box area.

The movie started and I couldn't help myself in glancing to his side profile.

His sharp jawline, his little cute nose, and his pink plump lips, his blonde hair touching the sides of his forehead....

"Are you done checking me out?" He asked.

I blushed tomato red and immediately narrowed my gaze towards the movie.

"You know you can just say if you find me attractive," he smirked.

"Oh really, then you're pretty," I said.


"Pretty ugly," I snorted as I continued watching.

He sighed before directing his gaze on the movie.

After the movie ended, we walked outside to go towards Jimin's car.

As we were walking, I noticed a familiar face.

My eyes widened seeing him.

With someone.

"Hey Minhyo," he said as he walked towards me, standing infront of me.

"Oh, so this is Minhyo?" The girl said as he clung to him.

I was speechless, completely speechless after seeing him with her.

And I was the one hoeing around.

I was about to speak when suddenly....

I felt a pair of plump lips pushed into mine.



YESSSS THE MinMin couple is finally MOVINGGG!

Thank you everyone for reading and HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!🎊🎉🎊🎉✨

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