thirty seven

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From the name of that voice, Jimin couldn't get himself to ignore that cute and small voice.

"I have some really good news! Don't try to interrupt me," the little girl says as she sits next to Jimin, a big smile plastered on her face.

Jimin closes his notebook as he gives his full attention to the girl beside him, his eyes forming little cresecnts.

"Look, the doctor said I'm already healed from chicken pox, and now he's going to allow me to play outside everyday!" She exclaims.

"That's great!" Jimin says joyfully, taking the girl's hand and shaking it.

"Where did we leave off from our first part of the story?" Minhyo asks, looking at him.

"It was when there was a little boy who took a walk in the forest," he says as he takes out another black notebook.

"Oh! I get it, then he met a star!" She continues.

"And what will that star do, basically?" Jimin asks as he looks over to her.

"He sees the star as if it is the most beautiful thing in the world!" Minhyo says as she writes it down.

"Tsk, how romantic," he says.

"What's rotamic?" Little Minhyo asks, curiously.

"Its romantic."

"," Minhyo says, remembering each word.

"Its when a guy and a girl fall in love with each other," he explains.

"Like, how?" She asks, her eyes lighting up in curiosity.

"You wanna know how?" he asks, his eyes clouded with mischief.

He suddenly brings his two arms up with an evil smirk.

"Jimin, what are you doing?" Minhyo asks, letting out a small giggle.

He suddenly brings his two arms to her waist and starts tickling her sides.

"Jimin! Stop it!" She laughs, tears forming in the brim of her eyes as he keeps tickling her from my sides, accidentally letting out a snort.

"Did you just snort?!" He laughed as he stopped tickling her.

"Hey, you tickled me!" I retorted.

"How adorable!" He squealed as he pinched her cheeks.

His plump lips formed into a huge smile, his eyes forming into tiny crescents as he stared at her eyes.

"Wow, you have a huge smile on your face," she says, smiling in return.

"I don't smile alot, actually I don't know since when I've smiled," Jimin says as he looks toward Minhyo.

"So, what is romantic?" Minhyo asks as she gazes over Jimin, waiting for him to answer.

"As I said, a boy and a girl fall in love," he replies.

"How?" She asks, her eyes gleaming in curiosity.

"I'm not telling!" He says, crossing his arms.

"Tell me!" She says as he grabs his arm.

"Lets just write the story and I'll tell you! Promise me!" He replied as he lifted his pinky up.

"Small pinky," she chuckles as she look at his pinky.

"Just promise me!" He says.

Little Minhyo takes her pinky out and links it with his, creating a small lock between them.

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