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He neared my face as he smirked, his bare upper body, coming in contact with my skin as he laid himself between my legs.

"Doctor, now is not the right time for an appointment," I said as I stared at his hooded eyes.

"No no, doctor needs his medicine too," he said as he licked his lower lip.

I guess I felt like I needed to escape before I end up being the rooster of the neighborhood, so I kneed his balls, hard.

Because below that is also hard.

"Ow!" He screamed as he rolled away from me, palming his balls.

"Thats what you get for not controlling your hormones, freaking banana," I rolled my eyes as I stood up and headed for the door.

"Oh, and the deal starts tomorrow, don't forget, honey," I winked as she closed the door.


Gosh, I'm turned on.

Wait what?

I looked at my swollen balls and saw it was hard and big, didn't expect this would happen.

But gosh, "honey"? That damn woman was just starting the game. And I'm just in round 1.

I was about to go to the bathroom when my phone suddenly rang.

I checked the caller ID before answering it.

"Son, when are you coming home?" My mom asked from the phone.

"Saturday," I replied, my brows furrowed.

"Ok, please come quick, she's so eager to see you," she said which made me groan in annoyance.

What does that woman want from me?

"Mom, I told you I'm not seeing her anymore!" I replied.

"But-" she said but I already hung up since my balls are already holding onto my boxers for their dear life.

I ran to the bathroom and locked it before taking care of this... uh... thing.



It was already tomorrow when I waited for Jimin at the dining room, it seemed really early but I had to so we could let Yeonjun see us.

Jimin walked out of his room in a black button-up and some denim skinny jeans, his hair nicely messy and his shades on the collar of his shirt.

"Wow, look who's eager to date me," he wriggled his brows as he took the Cheerios from the cupboard.

He sat across me and poured the Cheerios in the bowls for me and him and poured some milk too.

"Now tell me, whats the plan, oh Mr. Know-It-All?" I asked as I scooped up and a spoon of cereal.

"First, its this....," he said as he lowered his voice and whispered the plan to me.

"Okay, got it," I smiled as I finished my cereal.

As I finished my cereal, we both stood up and he suddenly approached me, sliding his arm in my waist.

"Lets go, love," he winked as he escorted me outside.

Man, somehow, I could never get used to this.

Not after my experience with Yeonjun.

We walked to the elevator as he pressed the button down, as it tinged, a familiar face was seen in the elevator.

"M-Mr. Jeon?" I said.

"Oh, Minhyo! Jimin? You guys are...," he said with his jaw wide open.

"Together, any problem?" Jimin finished as he held me closer.

"N-no, not at all, its kinda suprising though," he said as he walked out of the elevator.

"You stay here too Mr. Jeon?" I asked.

"For the millionth time, call me Jungkook. And yes, I do stay here and I room with Taehyung," he replied as he walked towards his room.

"We'll be going now, bye Kook!" Jimin said as we entered the elevator.

The doors closed and I finally shook myself off from Jimin.

"What is with you? You held my waist like a freaking stress ball," I scoffed.

"Excuse me? You were squirming like a damn worm," he replied.

I was about to reply until the lights of the elevator suddenly flickered off.

"Huh? What's happening?" Jimin asked as he pressed the buttons.

The elevator stopped moving. It even stopped giving some light and halted to a great stop.

"Great! Now we're trapped in here!" Jimin cussed as he leaned on the elevator wall.

"Just... don't panic, I'm sure there will be help on the way," I replied as I sat on the elevator floor, in a cross-seated position.

"What a wonderful first day of our relationship," Jimin said sarcastically as he slumped down.

"Don't you think this will worth it?"

"Huh?" He replied.

"You know, us, who knows what will happen to us once this is over."


Then, we heard a voice.

"Guys! We're here to send help, how many are you there?" It asked.

"Two!" Jimin replied.

"Profession?" The voice replied.

"Ummm, a teacher and a student!" I replied.

Soon, the elevator started to open, by some firefighters.

"Whew! We're glad you guys are safe!" One of them said.

"Thank you!" I said and bowed my head, same with Jimin.

"You guys may be from the same class, we're sorry for the delay!" They replied.

"Actually, we are late, but me and my girlfriend will be going now," he winked as he walked off, leaving me in shock.

"Boyfriend? Who knew these days that a student and a teacher would be dating!" The firefighter smiled as they left.

I ran to Jimin, his face was all smirked up and I wanted to punch every tooth in his mouth.





Welp, Jimin's a proud man with a rusty girlfriend!

Thank you guys so much for being patient with Dr. Jagiya! I've been writing more chapters for S&C so we could catch up on them! Hope you guys enjoyed this!💜💜💜

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