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I heard noises?

I pressed my ear closer to the door and heard laughs, giggles, and some were sounds from the television.

I sighed deeply and was hesitating to knock at the door.

Did Jimin bring a girl home?

I pressed my ear on the door and I heard people screaming and laughing.

Hyung.... hahaha.... nooo....awww

Those were the words I heard in that room.

I decided to gather up all my courage and knock on the door twice or thrice.

Knock knock knock!

I heard footsteps and someone turned the doorknob, revealing Jimin in a white torso, messed up hair, ripped jeans, and white bunny slippers.

"Oh... Minhyo," he said and opened the door wide enough for me to enter.

"Wah... who's this pretty lady?" A guy in a hoodie popped his head up from the televison screen.

"Jimin-ssi, is she your girlfriend?" Another guy asked.

"Nah she's too young, she's wearing a uniform, she might be Jimin's tutoree," a guy eating popcorn added.

"Woah Jimin, bring girls after we leave bro," a guy in glasses said.

"No wonder there were girl clothes in the guest room," another guy said.


I was startled by someone calling my name as he walked out of the kitchen with a cup of water.

My eyes turned into saucers after seeing him.

Mr. Jeon?

He was wearing a plain black shirt, ripped denim jeans, and Timberlands.

He looks so.... young in that... or should I say, good-looking?

"Guys calm down, she's not my girlfriend, she's just my roommate," Jimin said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, in that case, I'm Taehyung," the guy in a gray hoodie said as he showed his rectangular smile.

"I'm Seokjin, hello," a guy with a bowl of popcorn continued as he raised his hand. "I work here as a doctor, but I don't teach."

"I'm Hoseok, nice to meet you sunshine," he chuckled.

"Yoongi," a cat-faced guy plainly said as he rested his head on Taehyung's lap.

"My name's Namjoon," the tall guy smiled as he was holding a jar of strawberry jam.

"Minhyo, don't you remember me? I was substitute teacher this afternoon," Jungkook said as he walked closer to me but suddenly I was pushed behind Jimin's back.

"Minhyo's tired and she needs to do her assignments, she needs to go to her room now," Jimin said to them as he I slowly walked to my room.

I closed my door shut and sighed deeply.

There were still lots of noises and laughs from the seven boys who were hanging like monkeys in the living room.

I decided to wash up and settle in but someone barged in without knocking while I was still wrapped up in a towel after a shower.

"Yah Minhyo I-," Jimin said but was cut off as he looked at me from head to toe.

"YAH! Knock before you enter AND leave so I could change!" I yelled at him.

"Oh, what a nice view I have tonight," he smirked but it soon disappeared after I threw him a slipper.

"Pervert! Get out of here before I ruin that poor face of yours," I said to him.

"Alright, alright but you're getting minus five for throwing at your teacher like that," he said before closing the door.

"Hey thats not fair!" I whined as I heard his laughs from outside.

After changing into an oversized shirt and shorts I finally let him inside.

"Okay Jimin, what do you want?" I asked as I sat on a chair near my study table.

"I'm sorry we disturbed you, you didn't finish your assignment, didn't you?" He asked.

"No, I'm actually done by the way," I replied as I stretched my arms.

"Do you have any question you find hard?" He asked curiously as he took my notebook and scanned the pages looking for the work that I've done.

"Pretty impressive," Jimin said, amazed by my work.

Then he looked at me as if he wants to tell me something.

He scratches the back of his neck as he gives the notebook back.

"Hey Minhyo," he calls my name.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"You wanna know...

What else is hard? Because every good girl deserves a reward,"


Potatoes! The Jibooty's back heheheheh!

POTATOESSS!!! My other fanfic, Creation which is a JJK ff needs more reads and votes! It would be an honor if you'd check it out if you like!

Thank u all soooo much sweeties!

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